First Pics from Best Ranger...HOOAH!!!

Nov 2, 1999
This has been a totally exciting weekend!!!

There is so much to talk about in terms of what happened and what's coming...which is completely unprecedented in our industry!!! But....we are on our way out the door to the Super Supper at RTB as the contest is drawing to a, let me share a few of the first images which will be posted with others on a web page dedicated to BRC 2001 on our site.

First, here is our event area on Todd Field, Fort Benning.


In the morning, the NCO's running our particular event wanted to try their hand at throwing the Hawk before the competitors is a happy Sergeant after his bullseye throw!!!


..and here's another early morning pic of Col. Brooks, Commander at 82nd Airborne, after his VERY first throw, along with Col. Baron, Commander of the Ranger Training Bridage!!! These gentlemen could not be more complimentary of our Tomahawks and for providing the event to the BRC!


Each Buddy Team was briefed on the event before actually throwing the Hawk for is an image of Sgt. Kelly providing the specific guidelines of the event to the first two Rangers that stepped up to our station on the field.


The Rangers Throw for score!!!!



I will be back in the office on Tuesday night and preparing our new page on for Best Ranger 2001!!!

Enjoy and stay tuned!

Andy Prisco,
Co-Founder, Manager
American Tomahawk Company
I had to sneak back to the ATC custom shop a little early to start replenishing stock so that we will have a few items ready for Blade in June, but it was a fantastic weekend for the ATC crew. We instructed Ranger after Ranger as well as civilians in the art of Hawk throwing from daylight to dark.The thrill of working with the Rangers was absolutely fantastic and I am proud to have been a part of Best Ranger 2001 with two of the best partners around. I can proudly say that with a crew like the ATC crew you can bet your money that "The best is yet to come"

Bobby Branton

Co-Founder,Production Director
American Tomahawk Company

American Knife Throwers Alliance
Major Cool! Guys

I look forward to hearing more about this event. Thanks.
hehehe, yep must be in the south alright! Only a true southerner would have a wad of chewing tobacco in his mouth so early in the morning. Way to go you guys!