flame job on titanium

Aug 28, 2009
anyone know how they do that flamed look on the striders:confused: I would like to do something like that and was looking for some input...

Heat, and a good deal of it. I'm not sure how they actually get the striping, but ti takes a really nice permanent heat discoloration.
thanks, I was thinking of using a torch but wasn't sure

I have a large (2x12 I believe) piece I've played with. There are different colors that correspond to different temperatures. If you give everything a nice even coat of flame it turns a nice tan/golden color, getting it red hot in one point will give you a bulls-eye effect with the center being dark blue. Someone had a chart posted around here.
I believe Strider and Hinderer use a O/A torch. That gives the deeper earth tone colors.
I believe Strider and Hinderer use a O/A torch. That gives the deeper earth tone colors.

I find the finish on th Ti makes a fair difference to how the colours look, polished/satin or tumbled
will give quite bright looking colours but if its bead blasted they are quite deep and more "subdued" looking

When you're heating Ti up it will start to go gold/brown then go through to purple and
blue. If you let it get red hot you will get a light silvery blue but it's always a bit patchy.

This is an example of the typical colours Ti will go.

that's sweet! ? will heating the ti effect lock memory or does ti not harden/temper like steel?

There are many Ti alloys that behave differently but generally speaking, no it dosn't
behave like steel but it's "characteristics" can be changed by heating and tempering.