Flash Memory

Jun 20, 2001
In need of a 512 mb to 1 gb flash memory drive, would like it to be secure (encrypt) so data is safe. Not sure of stick or card style.

Presently use 128 mb PNY stick style.
Best encryption software I've found is TrueCrypt. Install on either the flashdrive or your own computer, but you need the install folder to open it.

I have it installed on mine(can fire it up on ANY computer this way), and encrypted a 100mb section.... 256-448-256 encryption. About as secure as it gets. Also encrypted my space at school, need to have the flashdrive in the comp to open the prog to get at my files.

Never going to get 100% secure files, somone will eventually manage to crack it, but the 256-448-256 should keep them occupied for a few weeks IF they manage to get my flashdrive.
get any U3 thumb drive. it probably won't be as secure as what vampyre mentioned unless you download another third party program, but it's pretty neat. U3 lets you download U3 coded programs and install them on your flashdrive. then you can plug it into any computer and basically have your own "start menu" in the system tray without actually installing anything. Everything you do within those programs are saved onto the thumb drive, and when you unplug it there is nothing left on the computer... for a better explanation check out http://www.u3.com/

Best Buy had U3 flash drives by Geek Squad 1 GB for 59.
Recently purchased a Sandisk Cruzer Titanium 512MB for $50. It comes with the free version of EncryptX's software and it seems to work well. The metal casing is nice and has held up well on my keychain without any damage. Also, the slide is great and I never have to worry about losing a cap.
VampyreWolf said:
Best encryption software I've found is TrueCrypt.

Downloading it now.

Hey, to all, I have this sweet little 256mb thumb drive on my keychain, what must have computer utilities should I have on it?

TrueCrypt is a good choice. So is GnuPG.

In general I don't trust any encryption software that I can't see the source code of. Case in point: The Lexar JumpDrive Secure version 1 would actually store the encryption key on the drive, allowing someone to read it and decrypt the data.

So basically I'd select any USB drive I like regardless of security features and then get something like TrueCrypt.

Whether you choose a card or a stick depends on what you're doing with it and what equipment you have. The convenient thing about USB flash drives is that most PCs have USB ports so all you have to do is plug it in. No separate reader required.

You may need a separate card reader if you buy a card unless you have a laptop or something with a built-in or external reader. You'd want to go with a card if for instance you wanted to be able to use the card in a digital camera. You can also use a card as extra easily-removable storage for your laptop.