Flat Sticks?

Jan 10, 2000
Is there any pics, price, or specs on the flat sticks? Sounds pretty cool!
I don't have pics just yet. I'm working on that and width and thickness. (You ever talk on the phone with the notepad right in front of you and get so sidetracked speaking about neat things, you lose track of everything?)

4" Flat Stick, great for the Bandando, sort of a flat Pocket Meteor. %69.95

8" Flat Stick, Ban Bog size but flat. IWB Stick Courier Included in price. $109.95

12" Flat Stick, Wang Bo size...IWB Stick Courier Included in price. $159.95

Hopefully we will have some pics or scans very soon.

The 4" Flat Stick really grabs my attention, in the Bandando, it would be perfect.

"You are no more armed because you are wearing a pistol than you are a musician because you own a guitar." ~Jeff Cooper
And the same goes for a knife...
And, I'm a Usual Suspect.