Flicking Leatherman

I just got mine a couple of days ago and I am not having any problems flicking mine.
I hold onto the handle with the clip on, so that when I flick, the clip also helps retain the handle in my hand and keep it from flying-off. I find the "thumbing" style of one-hand opening better as an alternative. =)
I have carried a super tool 200 off and on for the last few years. I used a similiar "flicking" method to open it which seemed to be great for a while, but now it's so loose and wobbly that it rattles to the point of being too noisy to tote in its original sheath. It still works fine, but it is annoying to listen too. Hope your charges don't find similiar fates.

Yes, Leatherman doesn't say so on their site, so I guess it is not officially a sanctioned "move". I only saw the flicking-style opening on www.equipped.com, but I personally prefer the thumb-open method to flicking. But that's just me. =)