I`m a born-and-bred Floridian. I checked into this some time ago.
The deal here is that you can carry any knife you please, short of a switchblade, when on your way to-or coming back from a hunting or fishing trip. Within reason, don't run around town with a shotgun and fishing pole with a broadsword swinging from your hip.
The deal with pocket knives is they are not defined as weapons, except for switchblades, so you can carry them, even concealed, without worry. The wording is "common pocket knife", doesn't mention length but I`d stay this side of four inches. Since it says a "common pocket knife" that implies whatever sort of pocket knives are in common use, so your tactical piece should be kosher. If you've got a bad cop/judge, he might say your high-end custom number isn't "common". That's why I carry a Buck.
I got taken to jail over a scrap a while ago(come on! If you don't mix it up once in a while you're not living right. Besides, a friendly brawl is a normal part of social interaction in these parts) I had my Buck Titanium on me. 4 inch blade, finger-grooved titanium handle, and I was involved in a fight. You'd think they'd have freaked out. My cop, who was pretty cool actualy, just took it, had it stowed with my other possesions that were on me, and they gave it all back the night they released me. Florida is a pretty hip state, some may be better, but a lot are worse. We're a shall-issue state with quite reasonable laws. We've got the "Somebody Orother" Act down here, basicaly it means that weapons laws are legislated on the state-level, so some municipality can't rule against them or impose stricter limitations. Keep in my some folk are more comfortable `round knives than other. Don't pull out anything to formidable in the presence of yuppies. Though you won't be in violation of any law, they will flip their wigs and you`ll have to wait for the cops to show up and tell them you`re not hurting anybody and in violation of no law.
In short, your folder IS street-legal. Just don't do anything stupid with it.
P.S. I DID NOT use the knife in the fight. Like I said, friendly brawl. Use common sense. Just `cause you're having it out doesn't neccesarily mean try to KILL the other guy!
"One of God`s Prototypes. A powerful mutant, never even considered for mass-production.
Too weird to live. Too tough to die."