Folder options for less than $150

Jan 4, 2006
I'm looking for a folder I can carry. I've been looking at Spyderco and Benchmade. I'm kind of partial to the Benchmade HK line(I also have a HK USPc 9mm). It will mostly be for utility, but self defence should also be considerded. Opinions???


I'm partial to Benchmade knives myself, especially with the Axis lock models.

If you plan on using your knife for basic EDC utility, you might consider the spearpoint versions of the knives displayed. I've used both tanto and spearpoint designs and, for me, the spearpoint works better for most everyday use. Having a gentle radius on the curve where the edge meets the point allows me greater control when cutting most items compared to the abrupt angle of a tanto edge.

Of course, it's your choice, but that's my 2 cents.
That HK BM knife is a great knife. I really want one of those as well. I have the 420 Resistor which is a super knife but I hear the HK version is a bit thinner and in my opinion the grip looks better on it also. If I got that knife it would be Waved and flicking out faster than lightning by mid afternoon the same day it arrived. Talk about a defense/emergency situation knife!

I'd suggest the new Bradley Alias II. It's a little high at $170 but it is very close to a Sebenza in quality and looks.
You might consider the Emerson CQC-10. I believe it also used to be marketed under H&K.

Other good choices would be the Lone Wolf Harsey T2, BM 710 HS (if you can find one) and Al Mar Sere.