folder test

Oct 29, 2000
Hi there, usually only the locking mechanism of folding knives get tested. Therefore a certain amount of pressure is applied on the back of the blade.
Do you know if folders get tested the way that the pressure is applied on the side of the blade, in order to see how strong the pivot screws and handle srews are? (You might say this test is waste of time. I don't think so. You stab and want the folder to penetrate hard material; to accomplish that feat, you add pressure to push the knife further in. Let's imagine you don't apply the pressure along the spine of your knife but in slight angle. Now the length of the blade is a kind of leverage and all the momentum is working on the pivot screw. If the knife breaks down your hand doesn't have any kind resistance and will rush forward. An injury could occur.)


One issue of Blade Magazine had a test on the Kit Carson/Outdoor Edge Magna. They propped it up between two bricks and then stood on it to see if the handle would crack or the twisting side to side would pop the pins out.

Chang and the Rebels of the East
(Southern Taiwan Shall Rise Again!)
I am not sure what that would prove. Any knife or tool can be broken. All my lockbacks have held up well; I use them as cutting tools, not prybars, and they have proven to be able to withstand whatever lateral forces are generated when I cut things.
Alberta Ed - most of us have never had a lock fail on us while using any knife... so why are we then interested in the strenght of different locks at all?

I would hope that companies like Spyderco, who has a great 'knife destroyer', would have studied about the lateral strength of the knives. They just don't publish any of the data. I'd personally like to know what Military (one of the strongest Spydercos) can take... to see how that lines up with the lock strength.
