For our troops in the sandbox

Oct 23, 2002
I just wanted to say to the troops who are about to face something most of us can't possibly imagine...

Our thoughts are with you, fight with honor, and come home safe.
I'd like to add............

Kick'em in the Nut's for the rest of us

Follow your rules of engagement they won't have weapons when they surrender like the cowards they are...... but the tiny testies will make for good target practice.
And, all of us back home "DO" support you and what you are about to do....Shoot first. Shoot fast. Shoot straight. Above all, come home safe.
For it is the ignorant who do not realize that it is because of guys like you that give them the rights that they have to speak their minds.

It galls me to no end to listem to the anti-war crap that I hear daily. Where do they think freedom came from, anyway? The grocery store?

You guys are GREAT.....You guys are the HEROS. My 6 yr old wanted a new superhero from the toy store, I bought him a GI Joe and explained to him that real heros fight from freedom, like Kevin, my cousin in the Airforce. He thought that was cool.
