Forged 5160,carved ebony, s.s.---->in progress

Jan 17, 2008
This isn't a WIP, there's no sense in me even trying, cause i never keep up with them, and I usually I never even come back and post the finished product....:o

So I'll just show a couple pics of one thats been consuming my free time inbetween other builds. I had recently got some 5160 from a spring shop, I had an order for a bunch of knives from it, and wanted to do a test blade before making the knives. Well here's the one I forged and heat treated it turned out real good, so I figured I'd put a handle on it.

Like I said I didnt intend on actually making a finished blade on this when I started, so I cheated a bit, and cut the tang in with the band saw, then forged the blade, and swedge.

It's ebony,and s.s. (first attempt at simple carving:o)







lots of sanding and hand work now:(.....i think I will do something to the s.s. spacer rather than leaving it plane.

thanks for look'en
thanks , i been working on this'en for a bit now, but just lil here and there, hopefully finish it up in a day or two.
I trued up the spacer, then cut the grooves in guard and spacer, they got dykem in the grooves show they show up, but im gonna black'en them in the forge after i get everything polished, then repolish so the recesses are dark.

i also drilled the guard , spacer and handle with guide pins to keep every thing where it supposed to be for now, and im sure it'll only make it better off after it's finished as well, by keeping everything from ever twisting

Ahhhh so that's the ebony maiden that's been occupying your mind and time :) Looks freaking awesome Andrew. :thumbup: :D

Them possums do pretty good work.
Really like the blade shape and the carveing looks interesting would like to see the butt a bit more flared out and larger. All in all my favorite from you and I really like it.
She's looking great man.:cool:
Fly your freak flag high with that carving Andrew I hope to see more of that craziness in the future:thumbup::).
What you need to do with that one is slap some finish on it, and send it my way. It is a test piece? No?

I could really test it for you.

yes this is the one I had told you was giving me fits, and no the possums no longer exist......temps dropped below freezing the other day, and they all froze to death:p.......well there way one left but i shot it for trying to go number 2 in my bucket of borax. :p

JParanee, Keith,

that makes 3 of us, I had anticipated much more of a flare to the handle as well, but things didn't work out that way.


who told you about my freak flag????:p:D.......I know in your WIP thread I saw one of them freak flags flying in the background somewhere!!

Big fattyt,

it WAS a teest piece, after heat treat, i beat the snot out of it, then decided ....why let a good blade goto waste. So I wouldn't check the mail box anytime soon.....:p:D

thanks all
well, since i have been know to screw a knife up at the last minute......on more than one occasion, I figured I'd photo the dry run fit up, time to glue up, and give everything a final polish.

I did heat color the fittings, and polish the high spots, leaving the grooves blackened.

im wondering if adding maybe a 1/16'', or 3/32'' pin to the handle would add or take away from the look???

if i dont give it a through pin, it will deffinitely have 2-3 internal pins on the tang in side the handle

well here's what it could look like in the event it gets muffed up, or ninja monkey break in and steal it.....:p


Looking very good, Andrew. :thumbup:
Really like the guard/ferrule treatment, kind of brings it all together.
That is a nice knife.

lookin good, m'man:thumbup:.
I think a single pin, (3/32) would be very nice.
The lines on that knife our very nice I love how you did your own thing on the handle very nice.
Very nice, great first attempt at carving... I second Joe think the butt could be flared a little more.

again i also agree that the handle could have more flare to it, but i wanted to keep a nice size tang in the handle and the block I started with was on the small side to begin with...thanks all, I got tied up on some other projects and didn't make it to gluing up today....maybe tomorrow