Forged Cimarron Bowie

Sep 13, 2001
I just finished this one last night. It is my Cimarron spear point bowie. Hand forged L-6 blade masuring 6 5/8" in length, and 11 5/8" overall. Guard is 416 stainless and the ferrule and finial are heat colored mild steel. Stabilized Buckeye burl makes the handle.

The balance point is at the guard, making the knife feel light and nimble. Let me know what you think.
That is a most awesome looking blade, Bailey.

I like the whole spear point, bowie knife combo.

Very clean.
Looks great Bailey.I would really like to see a close up of those blued fittings.Lively looking burl too.:)
Well you certainly puched all my go-buttons with that one Bailey - the spear-point is one of my favorite blade shapes and I'm loving the look of that buckeye burl handle. Great job. About the only thing I could ask for is a larger pic - with my screen resolution that one looks a bit on the tiny side.

Glad to have you participating on the forums.

All the best,

Thanks, I appreciate the compliments.

Can one of you who is skilled with posting pictures give me an idea of the pixel size to get a descent picture up? I amhit and miss with it. I have a scanner and a Sony MVC-73 ( outdated...I know).

Meanwhile, here is a closeup of the ferule.
Thanks for the close up sir.I'm not familiar with your scanner so I can't be of much help but if you send it up north to me I'll scan it for you.:D
Really nice bowie there Bailey. I like it a lot.

As for your pics try getting to about 600 to 650 pixels at the widest part of the pic. That should just about be right. The bowie pic is 300 x 226. And the ferrule pic is 500 x 375. So if you take them to 600 or 650 you should be just about right.

See ya

I hope I don't offend you but I tweeked the pic a little and enlarged it to 600 x 452. It is a little grainy due to enlarging it. But if you start out with a bigger pic and reduce it, it will be better.


Hey, Tony, we have to get Bailey into the photo thread running in BF>gallery. Maybe you can come into there and post some stuff. Bailey, take a look at the thread and be sure to ask questions and I'm sure there will be pleny of guys prepared to help out. We all like to see good images of knives.

Nice looking knife Bailey and I like the blued ferule too. Those add so much to the artistry of a knife.
Very well done Bailey! A beautiful overall package. I love the way it all comes together. California Buckeye has to be one of the most beautiful woods ever and you did a great job of bringing out the best in that particular piece.:D
Great piece.

BTW Bailey, how is it your handle says "dealer" instead of maker? :-)
