Forging O-1??

Dec 11, 2000
My question is, can one forge O1 steel, and if one started with a 1/2 inch thick piece of ground flat stock, would it be worth it? Not much that one can do in the way of stock removal on something like that.

Have heard that O-1 air hardens somewhat, does that make it hard to forge?


Yes, you can forge O1 with excellent results. JD Smith, Tim Zowada, Kevin Cashen, and many others really like it for shorter knives that must cut very well, but not need to withstand so much impact. Others, Wally Hayes comes to mind, do make big blades out of it with great success.

And, yes, it is sensitive to overheating (I don't know if it is actually air hardening, but you are right in that many people say that).

All my early forging was on O-1. It forges well and makes a great blade, as stated. Matter of fact, that Zowada guy taught me, when he was a young pup and already better than I'll ever be. :) Forging temps are a bit higher for O-1 than simple carbon steels. You will know this when you pound it.... it also will quit moving earlier in the heat than 1095, etc. If you monitor forge temps, check one of the steel companies' spec sheets. They usually include forging ranges.
Normalize well after forging... O-1 will harden slitely in air but it is meant as a rapid-quench oil-hardening steel. Thus the "O".
Thanks! I don't forge myself (yet!) but I have the chance to pick up some ground O-1 for free, some is too thick for stock removal, but it seems such a shame to leave it behind :D and if it can be forged I may find someone to give it a loving home :)
