Forgive me Sal for I have sinned.....

Oct 4, 1998
I used my Endura, the knife that I have carried daily for a decade, the first knife that blew me away with its brilliant design (lightweight, clip, opening hole, sharp as heck) as a...... screwdriver. :rolleyes: In the process I effectively turned it into a screwdriver. I was tightening a hose clamp when the spirit of Cliff Stamp overcame me, whispering his evil mantra, "tighter, tighter, an AUS8A stainless steel blade with a 40 degree inclusive edge angle used in Texas at a temperature of 97 and 40% humidity can easily handle that torque pressure." Well, that voiced lied and I snapped off the tip. :D To be honest, I've abused-sharpened-abused-sharpened that blade so many times that the serrations are substantially less agressive than they use to be and I've been thinking about retiring it. It has performed admirably and proved itself to me as the best value in the knife industry. So, here's to you "Old Blackie". May you take your rightful place in knife-drawer Valhalla and R.I.P. :)

I'll solve this one...:mad:

*Pulls a Glock, and unloads the magazine into Jack*

now he may never abuse a spydie that way again..:D
Just file the tip and carry it as a folding flathead scewdriver. Darn fine screwdriver with a Spyderco hole. Awesome ;)
Originally posted by VampyreWolf
You expect us Canadian knifenuts to know that?

thanks for correcting me...

I didn't really want to correct you, more of a joke really. If you hang out on any gun boards and ever misuse the word "clip" you'd better expect 20 posts correcting you. I'm just having a little fun :p I hate it when people correct me :D
True, for those who collect guns...

then those are us who are minors(I'm staying quiet on who that may be:D)...
Hey Donovan. Not a sin to make a mistake, at least I don't think it is.

We can regrind that tip ya know?

R.I.P... im sorry i lost a spydie also but this was by mistake reachin over a back of a boat..well i guess i knocked it on the side or military went buh bye:(
You spent all that money on a Military, and it doesn't even float?

I use my Military in the boat too. I'll make sure to lanyard that baby!!!! :eek:
I've reground a few broken knife tips for friends and family. I did a Gerber E-Z Out twice in the same week for a co-worker. The first time I did it by hand. It took awhile. Two days later when he broke it again I used the grinder at work. Took about 5 minutes. :)

I have 2 words for you.

Modified Tanto
