Fortress vs. Hell's Belle

Oct 11, 1998
Other than the size difference, can anyone offer views on these Bill Bagwell designs by Ontario? I've seen the earlier forum reviews of Ontario's Hell's Belle but very little on The Fortress model.

Life is a journey, not a guided tour -- GO ARMED!
I have the fortress and have seen the Hells Bell. The hells bell is nice and shiny. I think the Fortress is more of a user. The bead blasted blade does not shine and offers good stealth.
Both the Fortress and Stealth have carry options of either cordura or leather. Leather is standard on the Fortress and cordura is standard on the stealth. Helle's Belle comes with the leather.
In my *opinion* none of those knife are your best choice for a user. I broke the tip right off my Fortress. Excellent fighting knives, though. Do a search for Bagwell or Ontario for a review by a guy named Gaucho. He did an EXCELLENT review on this knife a couple months ago. (helle's belle).

EdRozen - On the cutting edge of finding out what the cutting edge is.....