Fortuna or Eureka CA?

Apr 29, 2000
Hi! I know this may not be the right place for this, but if it could stay for just a day or two, Spark and David-whom-I-voted-for
, it would help. If not, it's OK.

I know we have at least one member from Fortuna California, and if we have any from Eureka, please email me. I'm in the neighborhood and would love to get together and talk knives.

Also, I think there may be a knife store in Eureka. Anyone who may know of such a place, please fill me in. Thanks! (I'm from way out in the boones, and rarely get this far "in".)

Now, for the obligatory knife content, does anyone know where I can get custom scales put on my Spydie Wegner? Just saw a couple of old knives with "natural" scale material (stag, bone, wood), and something "went off inside" that caused me to realize that I'd be a lot more satisfied with such "natural" material adorning my present (and future, for that matter) 'daily carries'.

Thanks again.

Champions make improvements as fast as losers make excuses.

You may still know some folks up this way? Like maybe a knifeknut?
(Just a thought.)

And btw, I lived for a time in Orange Cty. Believe it or not. Huntington Beach. Nice place, but Northern California it ain't!

Champions make improvements as fast as losers make excuses.
Champion, where exactly are you from?
I think there is at least one other forumite from this area.
There are 3 places that have knives that I can think of in Eureka. There is a knife shop (merlo's ..i think) on the Bayshore Mall. Expensive but nice to brouse.
"picky,picky,picky" a army/navy surplus type of store with a nice selection. Next to the old Eureka theater..(on 7th?)
An finally Bucksport sporting goods. southern end of town on 101.
None of these places have prices that can compare to the net. I try to buy something tho to support them.

I hate it when you say you're from northen CA and they say "oh, San Francisco?"
Come on...I gotta drive 6 hours south to hit S.F.!! or even worse say you're from Humboldt County...then they ask if "you have any bud?"!!

Eureka is my home town. I sure miss that cold, cloudy place. I have a lot of friends there, but none of them are knife nuts unfortunately.

If there is a quality cutlery shop in Eureka, it must be new. Bucksport Sporting goods on south Broadway was my source for decent production knives when I lived there.

You might go to the BAKCA web site and do a search for knife makers in Eureka. There were a couple last time I looked.

Who is the member who is a Hucking Fortuna Fusky?

Loggers rule!
Hey! Fortuna High Class of '78 here!

I don't know if I'd use "quality" to describe any of the abouve shops. But at least they have some of the more popular brands.
I mentioned Microtech in Merlo's and the response?.... "never heard of it".


Right now I'm in Fortuna! Not too far from the Redwood Village Shopping Complex. Please email me if you've got time. I've already dropped one in your box.


Thanks for the link!

Champions make improvements as fast as losers make excuses.
David and Spark,

Thanks for letting this stay. It has helped me get in touch (finally!) with another real live knife knut!

David, are you enjoying your newfound duties/responsibilities/authority/POWER?
Relax! Just kidding!

Thanks again and have a knife day (not too original, but it sounds good anyway)!

Champions make improvements as fast as losers make excuses.