found balisongs in closet

Sep 4, 1999
While doing a quick inventory in order to respond to another post(How many knives do you have) I discovered many things I lost track of. This includes a few older butterfly/balisong type knifes purchased I believe in the early 1980's,specifically some Taylor Cutlery Manila Folders with brass handles stil in the boxes. I notice reading the forums some interest in this
blade style. Does anyone have the slightest idea what these are worth?
Also I just found some Parker Cutlery anf Frost cutlery butterfly knives.

Hey Tim,this is the 1999 man,those things can come out of the closet now

Seriously though I don't know much about butterfly knives.Other than the well made ones are gorgeous.Oh,also they can be dangerous to operate.
Wow.....what a find. I'm sure you'll be hearing from a few of the other Balisong freaks in here soon.

The Manila Folders are some great quality Balis. The skeleton handled models are some of the best I've owned.

When Chuck sees this thread he'll be better able to tell you about prices and stuff.

Hmmmmm......why do you want to know......looking to unload them are ya'??

Clay G.

Are you in luck or what?

I just got done adding a list of recent balisong sales to my website, .

Look in the file cabinet.

I believe that there are some taylor knives on there. This list is only very recent sales. I have a much more extensive list. If you'll send better descriptions of your knives, I can perhaps offer some comps.

I also routinely purchase collectible butterfly knives, so if you're interrested in getting rid of those old things, let's talk.

On the other hand, perhaps your discovery has renewed your interrest in butterfly knives and you'd like to learn more about balisong art? Well, there are a few things on my page, but most important is my links page where you'll find links to several other sites that offer information about and instructions for manipulation techniques. However, I'd advise against using one of your collectibles unless it's already banged up.

Balisongs -- because it don't mean a thing if it ain't got that swing
Hey Tim,
Keep them for another 20 years and ask again.
I had a nice balisong that I left in a wall I was helping build in the 80's. Behind a custom etched 6' X 12' peach-colored mirror. Maybe in about 50 years a destruction worker will get a nice surprise!

Chuck and Clay,
I appreciate the response and was impressed with both balisong oriented sites.I am in the process of getting rid of thimgs I don't need or use and knives that I have duplicates of fall in this category so yes I will probably get rid of them.One of the manila folders I had modified by a jeweler friend. He put the latch on the other handle which is my preference and smoothed out the handles making them more rounder.This one I would keep.
Although I have not played with them for years I do know how to handle them.This is not due to any formal martial arts knowledge but ue to unusual circumstances growing up. One of my two best friends when I was a young lad in the 60's dad was from the Phillipines. He was a merchant seaman. At times when visiting them and "horsing around" he would call us over and show us one or two tricks as we called them.At the time I thought what he was showing us was some strange form of judo or karate as at that time we knew of no other martial arts.It wasn't until many years later after we all went seperate directions that I realized he was showing us his particlar FMA style.This had some interesting effects. We could use nunchakus(though we didn't call them that) years before Bruce Lee exploded on the scene. We could also manipulate balisong knives before anyone was making them or importing them into the States.
When they became popular here I bought many from many sources and about 15 years ago sold most to friends,neighors ,collectors and local LEOs.
I haven't picked one up in years and find that for all practical purposes a Spyderco,Benchmade or any other one hand opener is better.They tend to be flatter,lighter and easier to use. Also most people never seem to get the knack of opening the balisong but anyone can open the newer tactical knives with ease.Also they are easier to replace if lost.
What great stories.

The Manila Folders are, as Clay pointed out, well made. They're also very attractive to collectors. I would certainly be interrested in some of your knives. I have several friends who are also collectors. I'm sure that we can find homes for any of these knives you want to sell in good collections. Maybe even Clay will take up an interest in collecting?

Please put together a list and e-mail it to me, Perhaps we can help put that son of yours through college

Thanks for your generous compliments about my web site.

Clay's site is very impressive and it just keeps growing. I know how much time it takes me to do just the little I have, so Clay is either very, very good at web authoring (which, I suspect is true) or he spends a lot of time on it (which, I suspect is also true). His instructional stuff is just great.

There are some other sites on my links page that are also well done and I suggest.


[This message has been edited by Gollnick (edited 06 September 1999).]
Just only today I read all the post in this section of thefiringline. Talking of balisong (I think they call it also "fan knife") sometimes.

Drawing and opening this knife is fast and effective if you have a practice. First thing to do is to loosen a little bit the rear/end of the knife (but should still keep of all parts intact), where the two covers attached with the cylindrical hinge can play freely. In so doing this you can easily open when drawing it.

A Good blade of this balisong can be tested by piercing a cent or a dime without any breakage on the knife tip. If the blade tip remains in its original form after piercing a dime than its really a good kind. Batangas province in Phils. are noted for this balisong using vehicle bearings as blade materials.

It would be easier to handle this knife if you have a martial arts training too - like having good practice with the rotation of your wrist.

A good size is a 4” blade for it will fit the hand well when it is opened.

Balisong, Samurai, and a Machete are my favorites bladed collections. I owned a very old machete with trademark “Collins”, perhaps this was brought by the first Americans who landed in my country.
Mr. Stdalier,

How nice to have another balisong collector join us.

I'm pressed for time this morning, but I'll write you some more later.

Just wanted to say hi.


Thanks for the comments, feel free to ask about balisong, I'll try to answer much as I could. I like balisong as it is a fast knife to draw and look clean to insert in your Pant's secret pocket if it is the correct size. A balisong that is closed, can be opened instantly by sliding down the "Closer-Pin" on top of your belt (or any part on your waist that catch on the pin). Handling or playing with knife like a Chaku is sport as part of Martial Arts for me. But if you practice with the many ways of drawing in different angles, be sure no body is around you because sometimes if you are too fast already there are incident that it will slip from the hands due to sweat (slippery)well it is cold in your country anyway but for precaution only. And remember, holding a balisong when we do the close and open technique is loose but remain in the hands to make it rotating like a fan.
How excellent to add another balisong artist to the group.

Hopefully, you've checked out a few of your fellow member's web sites:

Clay is an outstanding balisong artist. You can see video of him at work on his site and if you see a trick that's new to you, he has excellent teaching materials too. Some of Clay's files are quite large (a few are around 4MBytes). So, his is not a site for the thin of pipe.

Placio is also in the Philippines. I know it's a big country, but you two might want to exchange addresses and see if maybe you could get together. His site also has excellent educational materials. His are in .pdf format and a bit more compact, but no movies. He also includes combative applications.

And, of course, there's my humble site which is more about collecting.

Also, watch out on the forums for Dannyc. He's a balisong enthusiast and also lives n the Philippines. He's been planning to take a trip to Batangas and go shopping. Again, maybe something you might want to tag along on.


[This message has been edited by Gollnick (edited 09 September 1999).]

Dang thing keeps screwing with the URLs. Very annoying. I hope they all work this time.

[This message has been edited by Gollnick (edited 09 September 1999).]
Well I am somewhat tempted(since it is 1999) to seal the knives behind a wall in a time capsule for the next century. But as pointed out I'm trying to put one yougster thru college and.....have three more behind him.So anything I have a duplicate of or know I cannot ever possibly use will go.
Just on this one post I've learned a lot of things and that is exactly why I joined the forum.
I'll be taking inventory soon and will email Chuck.


Looking forward to receiving your list.

This place certainly is a real education. There are so many good people here and everyone just shares. It's excellent.

Where else could, for example, folks actually in the Philippines who are intimately familiar with the "traditional" techniques talk to someone who lives just miles from Benchmade and is familiar with the "modern" balisongs, interact and both learn in the process? What a great place.

Balisongs -- because it don't mean a thing if it ain't got that swing!
On the same general subject-balisongs,Does anyone have any experience with the ones imported from Europe? They were not around when I use to collect them and am curious as to their quality,feel,etc.Anyone handle one.The ones I'm talking about are the sites that advertise autos.

I have many European balisongs. I have some wonderful ones from Austria. Perhaps if you can point me to a specific site, I could comment better.

Clay may also have encountered these in the course of his balisong shopping.

Balisongs -- because it don't mean a thing if it ain't got that swing!