Free medical manuals

Jan 31, 2009
Thought id give you all a heads up. I was surfing the net for book reviews on wilderness medicine...i ended up buying Wilderness Medicine: Beyond First Aid.

I also came upon these 2, Where There Are No Doctors and Where there Are No Dentists., on Amazon, but i found them for free on this site:

Its more of a 3rd world medical manual, than its a wilderness medicine publication, but its simple, straight forward with alot of good info.

Chapters include:

# Front matter: Cover, How to Use This Book, Acknowledgements
# Table of Contents: Introduction, Note About This New Edition
# Brown Pages: Words To The Village Health Worker
# Chapter 1: Home Cures and Popular Beliefs
# Chapter 2: Sicknesses that are Often Confused
# Chapter 3: How to Examine a Sick Person
# Chapter 4: How to Take Care of a Sick Person
# Chapter 5: Healing Without Medicines
# Chapter 6: Right and Wrong Use of Modern Medicines
# Chapter 7: Antibiotics: What They Are and How To Use Them
# Chapter 8: How To Measure and Give Medicine
# Chapter 9: Instructions and Precautions for Injections
# Chapter 10: First Aid
# Chapter 11: Nutrition: What to Eat to Be Healthy
# Chapter 12: Prevention: How to Avoid Many Sicknesses
# Chapter 13: Some Very Common Sicknesses
# Chapter 14: Serious Illnesses That Need Special Medical Attention
# Chapter 15: Skin Problems
# Chapter 16: The Eyes
# Chapter 17: The Teeth, Gums, and Mouth
# Chapter 18: The Urinary System and the Genitals
# Chapter 19: Information for Mothers and Midwives
# Chapter 20: Family Planning- Having the Number of Children You Want
# Chapter 21: Health and Sicknesses of Children
# Chapter 22: Health and Sicknesses of Older People
# Chapter 23: The Medicine Kit
# The Green Pages: The Uses, Dosage, and Precautions for Medicines
# The Blue Pages: New Information
# Vocabulary: Explaining Difficult Words
# Information: Addresses for Teaching Materials, Dosage Blanks, Patient Report, Information on Vital Signs, Abbreviations, Weight, Volume

The Dentist publication is much newer ground for me, with alot of good info.

* Front matter: Cover, Thanks, Table of Contents, Introduction
* Chapter 1: Your Own Teeth and Gums
* Chapter 2: Teaching Family and Friends in Your Community
* Chapter 3: Teaching Children At School
* Chapter 4: School Activities for Learning about Teeth and Gums
* Chapter 5: Taking Care of Teeth and Gums
* Chapter 6: Examination and Diagnosis
* Chapter 7: Treating Some Common Problems
* Chapter 8: Scaling Teeth
* Chapter 9: Injecting Inside the Mouth
* Chapter 10: Cement Fillings
* Chapter 11: Taking Out a Tooth
* Chapter 12: HIV/AIDS and Care of the Teeth and Gums
* Back Matter: Appendices, Vocabulary, Index

Thanks for the find. I collect all I can.
William Forgey, the author of Wilderness First Aid is a wonderful resource. He also heads up the Scout's first aid program. Many books are way too verbose. He gets to the point.

If you're really interested in the topic I recommend you sign up for a Wilderness First Responder class. It's invaluable. I'm a WFR through NOLS. It was 80hrs in 9 days of intensive training. There's also a Wilderness First Aid program that's not as intensive, 3 days I think. Speaking of NOLS they have some great publications as well. The NOLS Wilderness Medicine book is close to the text for the course, the Field Guide is written by the guy who instructed me here in NC.
But, the books are not a substitute for training. In NOLS training you learn to improvise and you don't assume anyone is coming to help or that you're getting out or where you're at any time soon.

BTW, the SOF field medical guide is available from various sources as well.
If you're really interested in the topic I recommend you sign up for a Wilderness First Responder class. It's invaluable. I'm a WFR through NOLS. It was 80hrs in 9 days of intensive training. There's also a Wilderness First Aid program that's not as intensive, 3 days I think. Speaking of NOLS they have some great publications as well. The NOLS Wilderness Medicine book is close to the text for the course, the Field Guide is written by the guy who instructed me here in NC.

I live in Europe, and unfortunately i havent been able to find any wilderness oriented firstaid classes in my area. Only a mountaineering related first aid course, but that requires some basic mountaineering skills, which i dont have.

BTW, the SOF field medical guide is available from various sources as well.

If you mean the Special Operations Forces Medical Handbook, then ive got that one too in PDF format, but i dont think im allowed to link to it here. Thats a good one too. If anyone wants it, drop me a PM.
That looks like a great resource, I downloaded most of the other docs they had besides the medical and dental ones. I'll did into them later. :)
Much thanks, this seems like a great resource. Gotta pick up a ton of paper and ink to print off hard copies now:thumbup:

PS: Sending email re: SOF Med handbook, thanks buddy.
I live in Europe, and unfortunately i havent been able to find any wilderness oriented firstaid classes in my area. Only a mountaineering related first aid course, but that requires some basic mountaineering skills, which i dont have.

I tried to see if NOLS offers anything in Europe but couldn't find any. I'd be surprised if there's not something available.

If you mean the Special Operations Forces Medical Handbook, then ive got that one too in PDF format, but i dont think im allowed to link to it here. Thats a good one too. If anyone wants it, drop me a PM.

My SOF manual is from June 2001. Is yours any newer?
I took a wilderness first aid course in NC that was put on by SOLO. learned more during that than in my emt class. fantastic training and they have advanced classes too EMT etc..............