I'm in the market for a utility folder and was thinking that the fully serrated blade would be quite handy for ripping through seatbelts and other such utilitarian task encountered within the fire fighting profession. So far all I've come across is the new BM 800FSBT AFCK and the Spyderco Military. I'd like to hear your input and suggestions for any other knives as you see fit. Also, how do you guys go about sharpening your serrations, not too knowledgeable in particular area of knives.
Thanks for time and input in advance.
Well I'm guessing, but it looks like you want a liner lock serrated knife. So Endura's are out of the question. Have you seen any of CRK&T's serrated knives?? They have a few that are totally serrated also. You need to get your hands on the AFCK and Military to see which one fits you the best.
For sharpening serrations I use my Spyderco Sharpmaker set. It works just fine for getting the serrations sharp again.
Are there alot of belts that buckles get crushed would it be alot easier to just unhook the buckle...And use a plain blade
for simple sutting tasks. If you do need a
knife for this though Buck makes one and spyderco rescue would work well.....Try ABC
cutlery for these.
The whole plain edge, partially serrated, or fully serrated edge arguement is an old one and one that is worthy of another thread. Personally, I like the partailly serrated option, but personal needs differ. IMHO!!!

As far as sharpening serrations[or any blade for that matter], I find that the Spyderco Triangle Sharpmaker is excellent. We at EDI recommend the sharpmaker for individual use with our GENESIS folders, and I have one at home I use constantly. Whatever knife/blade configuration you get, get a sharpmaker.

Best Regards,...Stay Sharp,

Will Fennell
President/EDI Knives

Look at the Spyderco Harpy while you're at it, Buck, the blade configuration will make this a safe knife for seatbelts and other rescue work IMO.

Kodiak Alaska

This topic comes up periodically, and here is my opinion, which is supported by the EMT's with whom I used to work.

A knife is a poor emergency extraction tool. Think: you cut the seatbelt on the un- (or semi-)conscious person. Then, what do you do with the knife? Fold it up and put it back in your sheath? Stick it in your pocket open, risking the chance that you will (depending on pocket chosen) revise your circumcision, or mar the beautiful artistry
of the tatoo on your buttock that says, 'Firemen do it until the fire is OUT'?

If you must choose a knife for this purpose, use the S&W 911 First response knife. It has a blunt tip, fully serrated blade, and a tungsten carbide spring loaded penetrator in the hilt, for breaking tempered glass. It is pretty much a POS, actually, but will work.

My choice of implement for emergency extraction is a pair of trauma shears. They cost $6 to $8, and are the large scissors you see the EMT's carrying around. The tips are blunt, and angled about 30 degrees at the pivot point. After using these, you CAN stick them anywhere handy without concern for harm. These shears will cut through light sheet metal. One further advantage is that you are much less likely to make a semiconscious person combative if you bend over him with a pair of scissors, rather than a knife, in your hand.

As always, your comments, criticisms, or questions are welcomed. Walter Welch MD, Diplomate, American Board of Emergency Medicine
Well thanks for the info. gents. I must say though, Dr. Welch your post comes at the most unusual time. Just before logging on to read these posts I lost my BM 830 on a vehicle accident. Its gone, no where to be seen and after talking to some of the other fire fighters another guy lost his BM a month ago doing the same thing. From now on, EMT shears for extractions and a knife if nothing else will do, after all thats why they're always on my glove pouch. Guess I won't have to worry about redoing my tattoo either: Fire Fighters Find 'Em Hot & Leave 'Em Wet!
Now, I still want a new knife, guess this will require a little more mulling over.

[This message has been edited by BUCK (edited 28 December 1998).]