Fun old thread, from 1999.

Truly Kismet that is a great read. I am grascious to you for reposting it. Did I gather correctly that both Rusty and Yvsa were fairly new to both the forum and to Khukuris at that point? Its like looking at the structural foundation of this place. Thanks again.
After reading this thread I tried to get to some other threads from the same or even earlier time period. No can do. If I got to Uncle Bills profile and select show all threads started by this user it only shows me back to 2004! Why is this? How far back do the archives go? I would like to read the very first thread on the HI forum...etc. Why can't I/is it a rights issue?
aproy1101 said:
After reading this thread I tried to get to some other threads from the same or even earlier time period. No can do. If I got to Uncle Bills profile and select show all threads started by this user it only shows me back to 2004! Why is this? How far back do the archives go? I would like to read the very first thread on the HI forum...etc. Why can't I/is it a rights issue?

Apparently "Show all threads by user" isn't pulling up the archive threads. You may just have to browse them, or do a search on them using the search function. By the way, Bill posted a lot in threads started by others. I think you'll have a lot of fun browsing. There is (was?) some good stuff on Knifeforums too. Bill started out there.
Thanks Howard. I've got it working now. I've always liked beginnings.:)
aproy1101 said:
Did I gather correctly that both Rusty and Yvsa were fairly new to both the forum and to Khukuris at that point?

Yup. Rusty was just a wee bit ahead of me.;) :D
Actually, neither Rusty nor Yvsa have ever been what might be considered "new."
It's hard for me to imagine the first few sales. And the experts we have here now at the start of their khukuri voyage. I read quite a few from the archives, and still have lots to read of course. I don't want to go too fast either. If I run out I have only you guys current ramblings to keep me busy at work!:rolleyes:
Kismet said:
Actually, neither Rusty nor Yvsa have ever been what might be considered "new."

Thanks my friend.;) :D

I just went back and reread that old thread again. I registered with BFC in May of '99 so I really hadn't been here that long at all then.
Hell I wasn't even on a real computer but a Web TV unit but at least it was a Plus and not one of the standard models.:rolleyes: :eek: It had a 2.0 Mb hard drive I think but you couldn't download anything on it.
And the best I remember it had 12 folders that would hold 32 favorites but no way to organize them.
Then one day my browser started screwing up the HI Forum, would actually lock it down if I posted a new thread.
I could post alright in anyone else's thread though, it was just plain weird!:rolleyes:
It got so bad that Spark threatened to ban me and I could and did well understand his prediciment.
Then for awhile I would email Uncle Bill and he would start a new thread for me and then I could post what I had in mind.
We did that for a little while and then I broke down and bought my first computer, it wasn't long. I was in Hog Heaven!!!!
It was an AMD loaded HP with the new ME OS system and it lasted maybe three years before it went West. Never did figure out what happened to it.:(
Then I went and bought the one I'm on now, so far it's been okay except for the one time I had to wipe my hard drive and reinstall everything due to something wild that evidently crawled in my back door.
I've been pretty happy with the XP OS and do not anticipate going to Vista when it ever comes out.
Don't know if I have enough machine for it anyway.:grumpy:

And did anyone notice the price of the new 12" AK's? They were going for $125.00 and folks were snapping them up like hotcakes!
There has always been a strong segment of sharks swimming around HI.
Now look at what we got today for $150.00, the new and beautiful 17" Foxy Folly, only $25.00 more than an old little 12" AK.:eek:

Don't tell me that HI hasn't improved.:thumbup:
The only problem is trying to get your money out of any old ones, except they do have collector value for those in the know.;)
If any of you want to get rid of older ones I'd like in on that action! I'll even make sure you get your $ out of them if I can afford it.