Future Falcata Test Query

Oct 13, 1999
I've ordered and received a Kevlar helmet. When I order a falcata, I plan to test it on the helmet. The helmet has several screws in it for securing a suspension band and chin strap. I plan to remove the the screws prior to the test. My reason for this is that I don't want to unnesessarily nick the blade on a screw during testing. I know it may sound a bit vain to some of you, but I figure that if the falcata can cut through the Kevlar, a few screws and straps won't do the wearer any good (in a real life situation, that is; I'm not going to make anyone wear the helmet during the test
). My question is this: Would any of you object to my removing the screws before testing? In a real life situation, I wouldn't be worried about any possible blade damage, but this is a test and defeating the Kevlar is all that I will be concerned about. The screws are located near the base of the helmet, so by the time the blade reached them, it would be too late for the wearer anyway and wouldn't do him/her any good. Does anybody feel differently?


The Milk Snake: Beautiful, harmless, good-natured, eats venomous snakes for lunch.
Would using testing the falcata on a Kevlar helmet be a good test? I've heard quite a number of times that it is pretty easy for knives to penetrate Kevlar vests as a sharp blade readily cuts through the Kevlar fibers. It might be fun and all, but you'll probably just end up wasting your money as I don't know if that helmet will be that much of a challenge for a falcata.
Why risk an irritating nick? You will have made your point anyway.

There are a lot of old Roman antedotes about falcatas and helmets. Good luck with your test! Some pix would be priceless (maybe not). I bet you could put the split helmet on E-Bay and make some of your investment back.

"To Know and to Act are One"
"I'm not suprised that you do not recognize me, Caesar... at the battle of Munda my eye was struck out and the bones of my skull crushed. And you wouldn't recognize my helmet either, for it was split by a Spanish Falcata." -- Seneca, De Beneficiis (found at swordforum.com)

...somehow, this guy has had a weird sense of humour...and a good surgeon, maybe.

oh, btw, the model is on its way to Reno; let's see how things turn out. I am confident that it will be a great short sword, although I believe it might not be able to out-chop an AK, for example. But I have to admitt, I have been looking for used helmets lately

>>>I'm not going to make anyone wear the helmet during the test ).<<<<

But think of the photos you could supply for Harry's saftey thread


When all else fails...JSTF :D
I take it this isn't a Kevlar CLOTH-covered helmet, but that it's solid plastic? In that case I'm not sure we could reason that it would cut easily as Kevlar fiber vests.

Is this what military helmets are made from?

One alternative is a high-density foam helmet, like a heavy-duty bike or skating helmet. I've chopped into some partial thicknesses of this material and it did seem to suck the life out the chop pretty quick. Might be an interesting test.

And of course, there's always edge-on plywood. Enough people post cutting tests on this material that you could compare it with other sword designs.

No way I'd risk notching the edge, myself. I'd just reassure myself that it can do all you'd expect of a sword of its type and call it a day. Chopping through steel is completely optional in my book.

[This message has been edited by DocPat2511 (edited 05-24-2001).]
Anton, I read that quote about a week ago. Thanks for using it and for sending the model.

Kamagong, I got the helmet for a decent price (probably govt surplus) so it didn't set me back very much. I got the idea from this old thread:


Part of me wants to do this just for the hell of it. The other part of me wants to do it for the satisfaction of knowing that I own a real sword that I can depend on in a life or death situation.

Finn, I probably could but what I'd like to do is make it into a novelty stand for the falcata after a test it (assuming that I don't completely split it into two pieces).

And Alan, now that I think about it, that is a good thought.


The Milk Snake: Beautiful, harmless, good-natured, eats venomous snakes for lunch.

Great idea! For me a novelty stand would probably be a cougar or bear skull. I am in no particular hurry to get my new stand though.

"To Know and to Act are One"
Doc, the helmet is a solid ballistic helmet, not just Kevlar lined. It is the type of helmet used by U.S. peacekeepers, according to the source (Sportman's Guide online catalog).


The Milk Snake: Beautiful, harmless, good-natured, eats venomous snakes for lunch.

The kevlar helmet is the "new and improved" version that the military went over to back in the late 80's (I think it was about that time... it has been a while since I was in). It is no steel pot in some respects (I doubt it would hurt as much if you clobbered someone with one), but they are very tough.

I remember reading some reports from Desert Storm about the helmets actually deflecting rounds. Not bad...


[This message has been edited by ACStudios (edited 05-24-2001).]
I was gonna suggest using a liberal's skull since they are typically very thick and anyhow they're not an endangered species.... But since Bob already bought the helmet he might as well use it.


There is nothing wrong with getting a liberal to *wear* Bob's helmet for the test is there??



When all else fails...JSTF :D
Does having faith in the ability of the kamis to bring the falcata to life (after a few prototypes) from a wooden model and wanting to have the equipment for a good test in hand for the day when the said falcata arrives at my door so that you and the other forumites won't have to wait any longer than neccesary for the results of the said test make me a gun jumper, Bill? Yeah, probably.

Speaking of the wooden model, has it arrived in Reno, yet? I know Anton had sent it in about a week ago.

Alan, of course there's nothing wrong with your idea. Its convincing the liberal to wear the helmet that we should be concerned about.


The Milk Snake: Beautiful, harmless, good-natured, eats venomous snakes for lunch.

[This message has been edited by Big Bob (edited 05-31-2001).]
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by ACStudios:

There is nothing wrong with getting a liberal to *wear* Bob's helmet for the test is there??





So, do you think you could talk your old friend Daschle-hund into just tryng it on for size????
That is Senate MAJORITY Leader Daschle to you sir...

He will be President some day... and then he'll send for ME to be his personal photographer. If you are nice, I'll steal you some mints from Air Force One...


When all else fails...JSTF

[This message has been edited by ACStudios (edited 06-01-2001).]
This is why I do not like international air mail... the parcel should take around a week to arrive in the US (mailed it May 22), but sometimes it does actually take two weeks...or even longer
This is nearly as bad as waiting for something from HI to arrive here