Gadget Carry

Aug 29, 2002
In my search for the miniature bottles of Tabasco I found this.It is a gadget storage box and not really something to rave about but it does open from both sides and that would work well for a suvival kit.This also looks to be the right size for the cargo pocket on BDU's.It is on sale and otherwise it would be to much for the box.What I would like to see is all the different ways you have found to organize and seperate your gadgets and gear.I am looking for boxes and things similar.You know cool storage and carry ideas for you cool goodies and gadgets.What do ya got? ...................R
i have some mini tabasco bottles, not in a box or anything, theyre justy lying around here.............
I have Tabasco bottles full and empty I wasnt looking for those I was looking for carry methods,pouches boxes and such.:)
I've got a bunch of old 35mm film cans, not the plastic ones for home cameras, the ones that they use at news-papers for large rolls of film, perhaps 100 feet or so. Come 1-2 inchs thick and come 2 or 3 & up to 5.5 inches in diameter. Held Fuji film. They seal reasonably well, but are not waterproof. A strip of electrical or other waterproof tape around the outside makes a neat little package. Try your local paper office.
Also use similar tins picked up at Historic Re-enactments, used for tinder boxes or wax or tobacco or what ever. These come in a variety of sizes. Both of the above make great kits for survival stuff or first aid.
I've also tried small fishing tackle boxes by Plano about 2x3x1, though don't find them too usefull.
Similar to the Altoids, but slightly larger are tins for certain candy and other mints that I've picked up just for the tins. (Mints wern't bad either.) They hold an Altoid tin inside with extra room, for a size comparison.
I think the Otter boxes too big and bulky.
Always picking up various types of nylon belt pouches, but normally just wear the Nite-eyz large one that holds a good knife, light and pen.
Still think the large film cans are ideal!