Ganga Ram & Quick draw Malla FOR SALE

Feb 12, 2000
I have a couple of khukuris for sale. Both khukuris are very sharp! and used very little.
1.21 1/2" Ganga Ram special like new shape wood handle with Sarki shop frog.--- $ 200.00
2. 19 " Malla style khukuri horn handle with quick draw sheath,also like new--$125.00

H.I. warranty at Uncle Bills discretion.
H.I. will not exchange these khukuris for cash.
Please e-mail or phone for more information.
Or call the Sarki shop at: 1-918-283-0022

[This message has been edited by T.Sisco (edited 01-15-2001).]
HI warranty stays with the khukuri.

The problem I've had is with trades. A fellow will trade a khukuri to somebody who doesn't care anything about blades who in turn will contact me and want me to refund the purchase price for a blade he didn't buy and in which he has no interest. To date I've honored such requests but I really think it is unfair to HI -- doubles our shipping cost and causes extra grief which I don't want or need.

Blessings from the computer shack in Reno.

Uncle Bill
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The Malla Is sold. All thats left is the big heavy Ganga Ram special.
The Ganga Ram sheath has a frog and a shoulder strap that is designed to be worn over the shoulder and hanging on the left side for a right hand crossdraw.
Kind of like the old sword hangers, I think their called baldrics.
I hope this makes sense. If you have any questions give me a call. This was the only way I could carry it with out pulling my pants down.
Terry 1-918-283-0022