Review Ganzo FB765 440c ( Factory edge at the rope )


Banned By Request
Jul 28, 2010

A) I really like the size of the knife , the way it's bolted together and the lack of any discernable slop !
B) Very fidget friendly .
C) Blade runs on ball bearings .
D) 440c ? Yeah , I dont know that that's the best choice .
E) Blade was re ground on the wet stone grinder , and it was FUBAR . ( What's new ? )
F) 50 slice Fail .. I then wood stropped the blade for another 50 slice fail .. First time looks like a roll developed ( Burr ? ) - Factory Edge ...

I will put the new edge to the rope and see what happens .

Wet Stone Grinder Edge :

Wow , looks like the factory edge was True That FUBAR !
So , we have gone from 50 slices to 300 slices ... That's only a 600% increase in performance ! ( only )

For 440c ......... Yeah , I can certainly live with this one .

Stropping the edge back took some effort , but I was able to do it with pure leather ! No need to resort to compound .

Looks like Ganzo is doing the right thing by customers . ( More than can be said for other knife companies = My opinion )

If all are like this one , I whole heartedly give the Ganzo FB765 a thumbs up !
I would argue that Ganzo only does right by Ganzo, as they harm our hobby as a whole and do demonstrable damage to the legitimate companies who's designs they shamelessly steal. If you feel that's doing right by customers, we have very different opinions on what is right.