Last time I faced gators, I was carrying a combo edge delica and a gerber 600.
On a trip with some of my cousins who are about the same age, we went to alabama and rented a condo on the gulf. We went to a park called "gator lake" and decided to take the little 8ft rowboat out for a spin. Proving the old and wise vs. young and stupid thing wrong, we weren't detered by the leak in the bottom at all. One of the guys slapped his gum across the rivet and off 2 of them went. The two smallest guys I might add.
They went around the lake with no trouble, and then it was our turn. Only there were three of us, totalling about 475lbs altogether and the first 2 not wanting to wait around for 2 more trips. So I jump in the front the other 2 follow and off we go.
We're about halfway around when water starts coming in very slowly. "Not a problem, keep going"
Then the water starts rising more, and were about 400 yards from anywhere to land the boat.The back end where my brother is rowing and the water is coming in is riding so low that we think its going to come over the top. So they pass the oar/pole to me in the front and my brother switches spots with the small guy in the middle, almost tipping the boat at the same time. That helped the water situation, but now the front of the boat is riding low, and I have to paddle canoe style cause we're in deeper water and can't push us along. Still 300 yards out. There's a dense patch of reeds off to our left and all of the sudden its filled with crashing and then 2 splashes. It appears that gators are coming out to escort our sinking boat.
I'm paddlin like a mad man now, I don't think the gators are really anywhere near us, but theres a strange ripple in the water here and there from time to time. The guy in the back has taken his shoes off in case we have to swim for it an is actin like he's goin to panic.
We ended up an hit bottom and had to drag the boat in the last ten feet, and didn't have to battle any gators. But it was kind of exciting, and I was definitely wishing I had something other than a friggin delica and pliars.
Oh yeah, no we hadn't been drinking