G'day Fellas need a bit of help identifying a Knife

Jan 2, 2006
G'day boys I really need some help identifying this knife I’ve been looking for some time now and the only thing I could find out is that it is German (I think)

I know that most of you would properly be sick of answer questions such as this so I apologise in advance.

It’s got ROSTFREI Written on the blade and well a picture says a thousand words and I can’t really be arsed writing a thousand words about this bloody knife so here you go



Rostfrei means stainless (well, "rust free" to be literal) in German. Without other markings (like a brand name), it's difficult to identify. Also, if the only thing stamped on the knife is "Rostfrei" and "Stainless", you can safely bet that it has no value for resale or as a collector's piece. If you want identification so you can buy another, that's difficult unless someone just happens to have the same knife and knows what it is. This kind of stuff is usually sold on ebay for $.01 (+$15 S/H) or at flea markets and gunshows for a few bucks. They come over from China in gigantic crates and are sold by the pound. Tracing knives like these back to the original manufacturer is difficult (and IMO, pointless).

Here's something like it if you're looking for a new one.
