• Preorders are LIVE for the 2024 BladeForums Traditional Knife

    Traditional Knife Information Thread - make sure you go in there and read up.

    Requirements: Be a Gold or higher member or have been a member of the forums since 6/2023 with at least 100 posts in the Traditional Forum. Preorder is for people who live in the continental US only, international orders will be separate.

    Delivery expected in Q4 2024, hopefully before the holidays.

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    Serial number request

Gelbu Special came today!

Sep 28, 2004
The infamous triangular box was waiting for me when I got home from work. I understand now why so many people said that the Gelbu was their favorite khuk!
Since this is only my second HI khuk I don't have nearly as much basis for comparison as do many of you. I do know a fantastic deal when I see one. The blemish was a 1/4" spot of rust toward the tip; hardly worth mentioning.The knife feels great in my hand. It feels light and is well balanced,not nearly as blade heavy as my BAS. The Gelbu gives the impression of being primarily a weapon and secondarily a tool. Oh yeah, it also makes a VERY intimidating "whoosh" when it is swung! :eek:
The workmanship and finish is flawless. The edge is actually pretty sharp also. I really could not be happier.
Tomorrow I plan to ambush some unsuspecting honeysuckle that has been plauging my fence line!
Pala has said that if he were equipping a company of old Gorkhas the GS is the khukuri he would issue -- for whatever that might be worth.
I believe it was Howand Wallace who had an Udhairpur villager that he kept lobbying for until Birghorka put out the Gelbu Special.

I wish that everyone lived in the Reno area so they could spend time with Uncle Bill and have an opportunity to go thru the selection of khukuris until they pick up THE one and experience the strike of the "Thunderbolt" that says "we were made for each other".
Rusty said:
I wish that everyone lived in the Reno area
If we all lived in the Reno area would we still have an HI Forum?:confused: ;)

Maybe just a forging commune hunh?:D
The GS is one of my Favorite Light KHukuris. I had a 16" some years back. That thing was really light and fast, but still strong enough to handle some chopping. Edge was really thin and sharp. Only problem I had was chopping some spare ribs, took 2 chops and impacted the edge a little. 15" AK only took 1 chop with no damage what so ever.

One of these days I'll get me another one. Congrats on your new Blade. :) BTW what size GS did you get?

My Gelbu is the 21" version. I tried it out some well established honeysuckle along my fence. The stuff is green and soft when it starts but as it grows it forms a thick woody bark. The Gelbu took wide wedge shaped chunks out of it each time that I did my part in placing my cuts. The only thing a machete ever did to that stuff is get stuck!
Maybe it's time to start a thread soliciting suggestions for my next purchase.
Yep I'm REALLY hooked now!
stilgar said:
My Gelbu is the 21" version. I tried it out some well established honeysuckle along my fence. The stuff is green and soft when it starts but as it grows it forms a thick woody bark. The Gelbu took wide wedge shaped chunks out of it each time that I did my part in placing my cuts. The only thing a machete ever did to that stuff is get stuck!
Maybe it's time to start a thread soliciting suggestions for my next purchase.
Yep I'm REALLY hooked now!

Uh oh, sounds like you're hooked, just like me.
It's always nice to see new blood struggle with the maddening fever:D Trust me, my friends, it only gets worse. Wait till you have to start taking Rx painkillers just to settle into a restless sleep every so often shooting up from the sheets in a feverous sweat as a weak sleep-dried "Bura" passes through your oh so tired lips. Take another pill, curl up with your WWII,AK, or bowie, and hope that the good woman sleeping next to you isn't the type to sign any papers presented by nice young men in clean white coats;)
