George Herron


Jul 3, 2001
Does anybody know how he's doing and if he is still making knives? I understand his health isn't the best. I remember meeting him at the 1986 Blade Show. He was extremely nice and interested in answering my questions.

Does anybody else here own or use a Herron knife? I currently own three and think that the fit, finish, and balance are just superb.
I believe Mr Herron is still making knives which is terrific. I am a big fan of his and do own a couple. I have owned several over the years. I think it's testament to him how few knives are on the secondary market. I'm constantly looking for his knives and find very
very few.

I totally agree that his fit and finish are among the best. Great topic on a great maker.

George Heron and his bride are a great team, George makes great knives, design, fit and finish as good as they get.
He's still making knives as these were "New Arrivals" at the Robertson site.

Here's his contact information:

NAME: Herron, George H.
ADDRESS: 474 Antonio Way
CITY: Springfield, SC 29146
PHONE: (803) 258-3914
Have been making knives since 1963. Full-time maker since 1975. Past President of SCAK and of the Knifemakers Guild. Inducted into the Cutlery Hall of Fame in 1988. No longer accepting orders (currently over 13-year backlog). No catalog available.
When George stopped "offically" taking orders 6 years ago. He was approximately 11 years behind in his orders.

If your wanting to order one directly from George, good luck.

George does attend a couple of shows a year, primarily in South Carolina. He will have one or two knives for sale. All the rest are orders that are in most cases a decade old.

Your best bet (and probably only chance) is to buy one in the after market. You expect to pay a premium. However, for those of my customers who bought George's knives on my recommendation 5 years ago, have seen most of their knives go up 50% in that same time frame (how are your investments doing compared to that).

George's knives are going to continue to go up in value. Currently, they are an excellent investment opportunity. I have several in my own collection. To include the first Bowie George ever made!

However, if you are looking for a user I highly recommend Geno Denning. Several years ago George pulled me to the side at a show and said "see that boy over there? He is the best knife maker I ever trained."

My professional opinion is that Geno Denning "hunters" are the best value for the money being produced in the world.

Yes, I am a Dealer for Geno and yes I sell his you know why.
This would be a good place to post some photos of George's work. His knives made sense, clean, well designed and functional. I have always liked them.