When George stopped "offically" taking orders 6 years ago. He was approximately 11 years behind in his orders.
If your wanting to order one directly from George, good luck.
George does attend a couple of shows a year, primarily in South Carolina. He will have one or two knives for sale. All the rest are orders that are in most cases a decade old.
Your best bet (and probably only chance) is to buy one in the after market. You expect to pay a premium. However, for those of my customers who bought George's knives on my recommendation 5 years ago, have seen most of their knives go up 50% in that same time frame (how are your investments doing compared to that).
George's knives are going to continue to go up in value. Currently, they are an excellent investment opportunity. I have several in my own collection. To include the first Bowie George ever made!
However, if you are looking for a user I highly recommend Geno Denning. Several years ago George pulled me to the side at a show and said "see that boy over there? He is the best knife maker I ever trained."
My professional opinion is that Geno Denning "hunters" are the best value for the money being produced in the world.
Yes, I am a Dealer for Geno and yes I sell his knives....now you know why.