Gerber Axes

Jun 21, 1999
Does anybody own/use any of those Gerber axes. If so, what is your opinion. Will the synthetic handles stand up to real life? I'm interested in them for their light weight, but I am not sure about the merits of the method they used to attach the handle to the axe-head.

I think that an axe and a pocket knife would be the ultimate in survival equipment.

Any opinions?
I have two: one with a very small handle (about 15 cm) and one normal sized (handle about 70 cm). I consider that the larger one is an wery good general purpose axe - probably the best that I have used. It is light, handle gives good grip and blade shape suits well to my chores (mainly splitting logs and chopping down woods in my summer cottage). I have had the large one about 5 years and there is no play between handle and blade. In this same time my traditional (actually my grandmothers) axe with a wooden handle (it is also made by Gerber/Fiskars) has suffered major damage just below the axe-head.
Finnish association of work efficiency tested most axes in market couple of years ago and Fiskars/Gerber was the best with a wide margin (lowest number of hits needed to chop birch logs into firewood).

The smaller one is a toy but still better in chopping wood than any knife of same size. I have used it to carve stakes.

If I remember correctly Fiskars has patented attachment method between handle and blade so you can just check it from your patent database.
Remember that it my have been patented only in Europe or in Finland... Have a nice research month.

I almost agree with you about ultimate survival equipments. I would take an axe and a puukko
. But what works here in northern woods may not work as well in tropic

[This message has been edited by Tommi (edited 05 July 1999).]
Hello guys!

I also have a couple of those Fiskars/Gerber axes. They are very strong and durable. I've never had any concerns about the axe head to disengage itself from the handle. No worries there.

Funny thing though... the axes are called Fiskars in Finland (and are made by Fiskars afaik) and Gerber in the USA - or the net as they are found at the Gerber web site and not from the Fiskars. But there seems to be more models available in Finland than the (only) 3 models marketed at the Gerber web-site (or KnifeCenter...). I don't remember how many models are sold in Finland, but at least the splitting axes are missing from Gerber.

Tommi, trying to win a knife, eh? I had to register and post too - can't win those knives otherwise

Survival equipments... I would have to agree on the axe and the puukko, but I'd add a large leuku and a SAK... and all the other folders I could stuff in my pockets

I also have good experiences of various Fiskars axes, especially the splitter (Model 1400, if I remember it right), and tens of cubic meters of tough birch in Lapland can attest to their effectiveness (as well as durability). Only the concealability in daily carry might be a problem, at least in urban environment.

We have a saying in Finland: The puukko is for fastening the other guy to the wall for as long as it takes to fetch the axe.
Seriously, both are remarkable multi-purpose tools.

Tommi -- Do you remember where the efficiency test was quoted (I do have the specific magazine, but a few meters of other Erä- Ase & Erä-, etc. magazines as well), or have you perhaps had access to the original text?

Hyvää kesänjatkoa.

I've got the small Back Paxe model for hunting use. I use it to break bones when boning out elk.
I work at a knife shop and we have three of them.

Personally I would reccomend a real axe, like a Granfors Bruks or something like that, at least then you can replace the handle.

Marion David Poff aka Eye, one can msg me at

"I'm just an advertisement for a version of myself." David Byrne

Won't Gerber replace the whole axe if there is ever any damage for any reason?
BTW: I once saw three of the Gerber axes advertized on the same page of a magazine, and the descriptions said that the larger two axes had Lexan handles and the Back Paxe(smallest axe) had a fiber glass handle.
I was under the impression that all of the Gerber/Fiskers axes had fiberglass this true, or do the larger ones really have Lexan handles?

"All of our knives open with one hand, in case you're busy with the other"