Getting And Maintaining That Mirror Finish

Oct 13, 1999
Several days ago I tried restoring the finish on my 16.5" WWII. I got it looking pretty good. Then I wiped it down with Tuff-Cloth. When I did this, it smudged the finish to where it was before I started almost. What can I get to put on the blade after polishing in order to maintain the finish? It would be applied by hand and the more locally available, the better.

Any suggestions?

If you use a fairly slow buffing wheel and polishing compound like jeweler's rouge, a light coat of oil shouldn't have any effect. Some of the PTFR sprays will leave a smeared appearance, but even when wiped down there is enough left for rust protection.
Bob Johnson's Paste Wax works pretty nice and is a fairly good protectorant.
I use it on my scroll saw table, recommended by the manufacturer, and it has served me well.:)
Ren wax is good, but pretty expensive.
:) Hi Bob, try Simichrome polish. It is a paste that is something like 2000 grit or finer. It has a stuff in it to inhibit rust if I remember right. You canprobably find it at the hardware store; we even sold it at the bike shop I used to work at. I've also used good old carnuba car wax.
stevomiller, the world's most computor illiterate robotics tech:o
I've used Mother's Mag Wheel Polish with excellent results. Get it at WalMart. Brasso works fairly well also. But deeper scratches something a little more agressive would be in order.
Thanks for your help, guys. I apply this after sanding the blade, don't I?

Right o,Bob, put these finishes on after working your way through the various grits of abrasive cloth/paper. :D
I had bought some Brasso a while back, so I used 1000 grit sandpaper to get it back to the shine and then applied the Brasso. This time the finish stayed (thanks for the advice, rdnzl). The finish is about as good as when it arrived. I have some 2000 grit sandpaper but will wait until I can find some 1500 grit (sold out at the places I checked). It'll be interesting to see how it turns out.

One thing that irks me about the sandpaper though is that its kind of messy. When I use it, I get stains on my fingers (I rub it by hand). Its Wetordry sandpaper. Before using it, should I wet the sandpaper and/or the khuk blade in order to minimize staining, or should I get a sanding block to use it with. You can tell I'm an expert in this area...:rolleyes:

Bob you might try wetting the sandpaper with the brasso and see what comes of it.

But if you wet it with anything else try WD-40 or such since if you wet it with water you will have the rust problem probably worse than ever.
But just about anything you put on it will possibly stain your fingers.
An alternative would be to get some of the vinyl gloves at WalMart.:D
Hi Bob, As for using a sanding block, that would depend on the cross section of the particular blade. A wood block would be fine if the blade surface is flat or had flat facets. A firm rubber sanding pad not to thick, works very well on convex surfaces, that way you will mantain the blade cross section. On concave surfaces fold the wet or dry a bunch of times and just use your hand/fingers. One important thing to be aware of is THE EDGE. If you're really doing some serious work on a blade take a sharpening stone or fine file and dull the edge. Your fingers and hand will thank you. Have fun. :cool: