Getting rid of my account


Apr 26, 2002
I won't participate in the forum discussions any further, and for emotional reasons I'd greatly prefer to have my user account and profile removed instead of just letting them be. Please advise if this is possible.

I'm not disappointed in the forums in any way. I had a lot of fun and learned a lot. It's just time for me to go.

- Gon
Very well. I'll just simulate the deletion of the account by stripping all data off it, changing the e-mail address to an old and unused one, deleting cookies, and finally changing the password into something I don't know.

I only know a little SQL, but I assume the non-deletion policy is because it's not technically possible, or the operation would also destroy my posts which was not the intention.

Thanks RGRAY and everybody.

- Gon
We could prune your posts, but we don't delete them as a policy. Sorry. Just don't post anymore, it's the easiest way.
