I recently bought one of the Summits with the plain edge. I think it might be an older design.
The handle fits my hand well and there is no interference with the liner lock. It's a solid liner lock. The lock on mine goes 1/4 of the way over to lock. The blade opens snd closes very smoothly. If I hold it just right, I can get the "Gigand Twang" when the blade locks. It doesn't appear, or feel, like there is any detent to keep the blade closed. But it works well. I have not noticed any loosening of the tension adjusters, but did get the little adjusting tool with the knife.
The drop point blade is hollow ground from fairly thick stock and ends in an extremely sharp point. There are no ridges on the 3/32 inch wide back of the blade, but I still get a good thumb purchase. It has a nicely brushed finish. Yes, there is Fred's signature on the blade. A lot of people don't like that, but it doesn't bother me. The bevels are perfectly even to my eye. With this blade, the hairs aren't exactly shaved off my arm. It's more like they jump off in fear. This is the sharpest knife out of the box that I have owned.
The aluminum handles are well made and finished. Mine has the blue insert, which is a near black navy blue. Naturally, aluminum is heavier than titanium or Zytel. The pocket clip appears to be S/S. It is nicely made, very shiny, and a little too slick for my taste. Only one position for the clip is provided for. It lets the knife ride pretty deep in the pocket. I removed the clip. This knife rides perfectly straight across the bottom of the back pocket of my jeans. The Summit is one of the shortest of the Gigand knives.
Improvements? I would have put a brushed finish on the inside of the clip, maybe the entire clip. And my thumb would prefer knurling on the top of the thum stud, or one slightly longer. This stud can be switched over to the other side for lefties, by the way.
I am quite happy with the Summit, even more so at the price from Mike Turber during his sale. Thanks again, Mike. Yes, I will definitely buy more Gigand knives.
My first attempt at a review. Hope this helps.
If at first you don't succeed, go buy a knife.
[This message has been edited by Columbo (edited 02-29-2000).]