"Givepocalypse Now!" Day 1 - Dozier Knives


Aug 3, 2011
"Givepocalypse Now!" starts today. Watch the video and comment on the thread to enter. Please note this giveaway is being held across all of our social platforms. Good luck.


Me too! I'm in!

Thanks for the chance at this generous GAW!
Great giveaways. Just got my first ka-Bar last weekend. What a way to jump start my collection.
Love my Dozier folding hunter. Good stuff, and again: a véry generous giveaway! Thanks for the chance, in.
I'm in, please. Thank you kindly for the chance, Ka-Bar!

I have a hunch that this is going to be a fun week to watch unfold.
Have more KA-BAR knives than any other knife brand. There isn't a KABAR I've had that I didn't love. KABAR for life! Thanks for the chance at the Dozier.