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Gladiatorial khukri?

Dec 19, 2000
On the History Channel Sunday night, there’s a program called Conquest, which often concentrates on historic weapons and fighting styles (though it does get into other areas too). Anyway, last night the program was on Roman gladiators, and it described and showed 8 different types, including how they were armored and their weapons. What was especially interesting was how they paired the types off so as to create the most even matchups. For example, the Hoplomachus had a short sword and large shield (has to fight close, good defense), while his Samnite opponent had a small shield but a spear (poor defense up close, but long reach).

The one that caught my eye was the Thracian, the only type of gladiator shown who wore no helmet and was the lightest (and therefore the fastest) of the bunch. The Thracian had a small wooden shield and … a curved knife that was a dead ringer for a khukri :D (albeit without a cho). The one on the program looked to be in the 16-18 inch range.

Since the archetype for the Thracian gladiator was a Greek warrior, I presumed the blade in question is really a kopis. But in any case, it showed the power of our favorite blade shape. Also curiously, in a couple of the training scenes, it looked like the modern-day Thracian was using his blade inside a black leather scabbard that had a diamond-shaped brass chape on the end!

P.S. In the elimination battle last night, the Thracian didn’t make it past the first round. :(

P.P.S. A little Internet research turned up this page,


which lists 15 types of gladiators and characterizes the Thracian’s sword as a sica, or curved scimitar. It also lists the Thracian as wearing a helmet.
Cool! Thanks Russ:) You know its funny you posted about Conquest, I just discovered that show last week and watched 3 great episodes! One on dueling in Europe of old and one on bizzarre weapons of the middle ages/knights armor and another all about archery. VERY entertaining show!

I missed that one you spoke of unfortunately, but hopefully they'll replay it. I'll have to add that show to my TIvo season pass option.
thanks., Conquest is a pretty cool show. The fight scenes are not full speed, but those aren't wooden waisters they're swingin, either. theyre fully functional and dangerous weapos. I enjoy the show.

As I have mentioned elsewhere, there has been much discussion of the Games in the Ancient Weapons Forum over at SwordForums.com and I recommend anyone with a real interest in them to go over there and to take a look. There are some very knowledgeable participants, including John Maddox Roberts, a well-kown author of novels set in ancient Rome, and Peter Moreland, a screenwriter who is currently working on a tv/movie script on the subject of the Games. Matthew Amt, Quintus of Legio XX, a Re-enactor and expert on Roman gear also posts there.