Going to order my 1st Sebenza. Have some q's

Aug 16, 2002
I finally broke down and I'm going to order a CR Large Sebenza. I want to try and get this with a Damacus blade and possibly a CGG handle. I'm looking at the B&W etching.

From what I've been reading the damacus is from Devin Thomas.
What type (as in stainless, high contrast, 2x high carb.) of Damacus does CR use and/or can you specify. What are the pros and cons of these?

I don't plan to be using this with any food. Just to replace my current EDC (BM 806D2).

So far a lot of your posts have been great and have provided me with alot of info. Thanks again.

Welcome to the forums! I think I remember Chris telling me that the Devin Thomas damascus has nickel and 1084 in it. That's about all I remember. I'm not sure about the stainless damascus, but if it's Mike Norris' work, it's good stuff. They look very different. Personally I like the look of the Devin Thomas better, but if I had it on an EDC, I might go with the stainless so that I'm not compulsively cleaning the blade (my own issues :rolleyes: :D).

- Mark
Half the time I wipe my BM 802 even after I cut wire or a box =)

I emailed CRK and waiting to hear back. This is an early birthday gift to myself. Last year I bought myself a Kimber 1911 Pro CDP II for my b-day. This year its going to be a CRK =) about 3 months early.

You can get just about any of Devon's styles of Damascus from CR. I personally have SS raindrop pattern on my large Sebbie. But the wait for SS Damascus is a long one. Patterns are Raindrop, Ladder, and Spiralgraph. The high carbon Damascus will be black and white in a number of differents designs. Contact the factory for options and to see what's currently in stock.:)
Originally posted by blackend
You can get just about any of Devon's styles of Damascus from CR. I personally have SS raindrop pattern on my large Sebbie. But the wait for SS Damascus is a long one. Patterns are Raindrop, Ladder, and Spiralgraph. The high carbon Damascus will be black and white in a number of differents designs. Contact the factory for options and to see what's currently in stock.:)

Thanks. How long was the wait? I know mine may be different, but I'm curious.

Well my wait was almost 2 years. But you have to understand, I requested stainless Damascus before CR was even offering it. Now that the factory is getting the stuff in (slowly but surely), your wait won't be nearly as long. I wanted to add a ladder pattern SS dams. blade to my small classic and was quoted at 6 months.
I have just been mailed by CRK to say that the waiting time for my SS damascus Sebenza has been put back a couple of months due to delays in the damascus. If all goes to plan from now on it will be about 7 months from ordering.

I am also having a unique design graphic that probanly adds to the normal time.
Today I ordered my first Sebbie.

A Large Unique

Now for the wait :) :D :yawn:

I figured I'd wait for the damascus. I really want one, but I can't see myself using it as an EDC knife. So I'll order one later.
Now Im looking for a fixed blade :)

Yeah :)

Bridget and Lisa have been helping me and she has been awesome. I can't say enough good things about them. I've had some pretty crappy CS experiences lately with AT&T and some online places and I could not believe how fast and friendly CRK has been.

I carry daily a BM806DS2 and my Small Sebenza BG-42 (and some fixed blades also...)

IMHO you should not replace your Axis AFCK unless there is no cure as you really fell in love with one of the extraordinary sebenza pattern.

My knives are used really hard and the Sebenza is kept with a razor edge an used for delicate works when my AFCK is even used as a folding throwing knife.

Don't get me wrong, to invest into a Sebenza is never a mistake but I really respect my AFCK AXis and I don't think you can forget her so easily...

