I finally broke down and I'm going to order a CR Large Sebenza. I want to try and get this with a Damacus blade and possibly a CGG handle. I'm looking at the B&W etching.
From what I've been reading the damacus is from Devin Thomas.
What type (as in stainless, high contrast, 2x high carb.) of Damacus does CR use and/or can you specify. What are the pros and cons of these?
I don't plan to be using this with any food. Just to replace my current EDC (BM 806D2).
So far a lot of your posts have been great and have provided me with alot of info. Thanks again.
From what I've been reading the damacus is from Devin Thomas.
What type (as in stainless, high contrast, 2x high carb.) of Damacus does CR use and/or can you specify. What are the pros and cons of these?
I don't plan to be using this with any food. Just to replace my current EDC (BM 806D2).
So far a lot of your posts have been great and have provided me with alot of info. Thanks again.