Good throwing knives...

Jul 1, 2011
Hey guys,

What are some good, not super expenisve (production most likely) throwing knives?

I was looking at some of the Cold STeel ones and the SOG set?

Any good?
Alright -

Cheap - Gil Hibben throwers

Decent - Coldsteel

Good - Flying Steel
Bobby Branton throwers

Best bet would be to go with the coldsteels as they are cost efficient and durable. Flying Steel are a bit more but are hand made and are twice as nice.
Here are my favourite throwing knives (mass products, as you asked for affordable ones):

Perfect Balance Thrower by ColdSteel
Quite some heft with 430g, but still won't let you end up with sore muscles. Sticks great, my natural distance is right at 3,00m (perfect for competitions). Plus, it's quite sturdy, apart from the occasional blade-dent (-> file repair) nothing to complain.

Hibben Generation I
The first gens are available everywhere for cheap, and throw well. Get the heaviest ones in the shop. The curved handle is a little annoying, but makes you take extra care in release.

Circus Faka
Designed in Sao Paolo/Brasil for knife throwing circus artists. Handmade look, straight design, smooth release. Very sturdy tip! My favourites at the moment.

Gyro Dart by Seberland
Ok, so this is not a normal throwing knive, but a mini spear. But, even a beginner can take this thing and have sticks in 20 Minutes! (The tip is always facing the target, so it's only a question to hit the wood - aiming needs some work.)

@Bobby: Sorry for posting links in my original post, didn't know about the policy.
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BTW, while coldsteel's steel is incredibly durable, though the sharpened edge on the perfect balance is not really practical for throwing unless you are not only going to use it for throwing, but the edge will go dull within a week and become chipped and scarred when you miss. They are also considered a heavy throwing knives, so make sure to warm up your arm before throwing a longer distance.

If i was you and i wanted some cheaper but durable throwing knives i would probably buy a set of three for aorund $30 of the gil hibbins just to start out.
Yeah, Thanks guys.

I would not call myself a beginner. Just wanted to fine some throwers I could get right away and not have to wait for.

Also my brother is sorta of a beginner now and sometimes we throw together. SO I think I'll get some of the Hibben ones as well as some Cold Steel.

(One day though I still wanna pick up one of the now discontinued Branton,Emerson Collab throwers)

ANyway I apprechiate the advice, thanks.
I'm not sure why some are down on gil hibben knives.

I like the weight and balance of the pro throwers...
Never had a problem with the blade itself getting chipped.
In fact I own 6 hibben throwers, and only one of them
has ever had a head to head collision that needed some

I'm interested in branton's 2013 series without handles.
The smaller thrower is just right for me.
I would advise steering clear of the SOG throwers, as I have purchased these in the past and my opinion is That they are design flawed. The SOG stamped out of the center results in weakening the knife. I broke two of three the same day I purchased them.
I would advise steering clear of the SOG throwers, as I have purchased these in the past and my opinion is That they are design flawed. The SOG stamped out of the center results in weakening the knife. I broke two of three the same day I purchased them.

Well they also have the new "fling" set.