Good Week!

It's been a good week for knife purchases.

I replaced a 10 inch kitchen knife that had broken.

Got a Wave at Costco for under $60.00. Great tool and well designed.

And my BM 705 non-coated plain edge arrived. Also a great knife. Love that Axis lock. Now they just need to build an Axis lock knife with a thumb hole and tip down carry. Not that this knife really even needs the stud...

Mar 15, 1999
It's a good week for me, too! I received my Frank Recupero-modified AFCK, made a good deal for a MT MUDT, had the winning bids in a couple of nice auctions and I've just found out that I'm apparently a winner of one of the Mean Streets that Jerry Busse is giving away in his name-the-secret-INFI-ingredient contest! Sorry, guys...I'm really not gloating…I'm just extremely happy about my new acquisitions!

Life is good...


[This message has been edited by UglyJim (edited 25 August 1999).]
Not quite in the last week, but very recently I have purchased from my fellow forumites:

Emerson Raven
BM Ascent
BM 975 Emerson
Custom Ron Gaston Dagger

and, of course, a SIFU.

What have my fellow forumites bought from me...nothing...but they enjoyed the dead cats.

Iron sharpeneth iron; so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend.
Ordered a Gigand, and should be getting a Spyderco...
And I am thinking of selling knives on a business web page... Got the hosting and all. All I need to do now is get the wholesellers agreements and what not done... And then the hard part:
Selecting the brand to stock! I am thinking of limiting it to just three.
1. Spyderco.
2. Cold Steel.
3. Gigand.
I think this will give me a broad spectrum of knives to select from.

Any ideas on how best to persue this?

I mean, if I went around saying I was an Emperor because some
moistened bint had lobbed a scimitar at me, people would put me away!
