Gossman Knives (Gosstoberfest) Photos from this Weekend


Co-Moderator, Wilderness and Survival Skills Forum
Feb 23, 2001
We had a great time at Gossman's this past weekend. It was a laid back atmosphere and there was plenty of joking around. The 20+ people there had the opportunity to fish, play with a boatload of knives and obviously camp out. Scott is a great host and Saturday night we had pizza and smores courtesy of the bearded one and his family. Ed (Harpoon) and Lt. Mike (Kahuana) put on a good lecture on preparedess and choices. I did a little demo on firemaking with Tony M. helping me do a dueling bow drill demo. I'm really looking forward to next year. Unfortunately, I was exhausted from too much beer and pizza and on Sunday I didn't get to say good bye to a few of the good folks there. Sorry guys but the night before was worth it! We'll do more next time too.


Photos in the next post
Looks like photobucket is being a pain. Photos to come later. Sorry!
Kev, is was great spending time with you and Tony again. Look forward to our next trip. :thumbup:
hayseed, if you read this, I missed you brother. Just wasn't the same without you and Mazy.
Kev, is was great spending time with you and Tony again. Look forward to our next trip. :thumbup:
hayseed, if you read this, I missed you brother. Just wasn't the same without you and Mazy.

I'll second that. Just doesn't feel the same without Jerry and the blonde girl.
Look forward to them pics guys.....Glad you all had a good time, and got home safe.

Cant wait to come out next year for this.
Kevin, I was really interested in the plant walk Sunday morning, sorry I missed it. Hopefully next year.
Kevin, I was really interested in the plant walk Sunday morning, sorry I missed it. Hopefully next year.

Ha! what plant walk on Sunday? Maybe Kev was doing a plant sleep walk that we all missed:p

I want to thank Scott for hosting a great camp out. He was a very generous host and someone you meet once , but feel you've known your whole life.

It was great seeing the guys again, and meeting some new ones. There was a lot of skilled, experienced outdoorsman who were happy to share their knowledge.

The trade blanket was crazy this year, there were opportunities to pick up some awesome not so easy to come by knives.

Anyway, here are some pics.

Here is Scott sharpening up some of our knives. It was very kind of him to take his time up to do this for us.

He always makes sure they are truley sharp before giving them back to us.

a couple of shop pics.

A couple of knives. The one on the right is Scotts enty in the Knife maker woodcraft knife contest. The one on the left is one of two outstanding knives that Scott gave away this get together.

Here is Kev with his 12" Ontario that Scott beautified. I wish I took a before pic so you all could appreciate the work Scott did to that knife.

Here are a couple of shots of the trading going on.

More to come.
Great pics Tony. Let's see, camping, hanging out with a great knifemaker, a survival instructor and great people? I don't think it could get much better! Looks like a great time.
Ed and Mike did a great "what if" exercise. Quick and to the point, but very thought provoking. I realized I don't have near enough of what I really need when I go for a hike, most of all good ol' knowledge.
There was a whole forest of American hornbeam: AKA : musclewood, AKA : Ironwood (Carpinus caroliniana) that a bunch of us harvested for different things.

Akabu is taking the bark off his new Musclewood hiking staff

Most small diameter green branches when used as a figure 4 would bend under the weight of a heavy Rock, but not Musclewood.

Part of Kevin's fire class included different fire lays and how they are used.
Here are a few

Here are some random pics.

Here is the most aggresive Garter snake I ever seen.

Harpoon and Kahuana gave ane awesome class on preparedness.

A few more and I'm done

As we ran low on supplies, we decided to make a smoke signal fire to get resupplied.

The survival gods saw our signal and we were rescued with about a dozen fresh Pizza pies!

actually that Survival God was Scott, who suprized us with the Pizza!

Other than some story telling, skill sharing, regular hazing, and drinking; the night was also included some frog gigging.

Well thats all for now. I hope to see more faces up there next year.:thumbup:
Gosstoberfest, I like it. Great pics Tony! It was a great time. Lots of knowledge shared. Good trades too. Count me in for t-shirts.:thumbup::thumbup:
Thanks for sharing the pics. Now I'm even more sorry that I had to miss out. Glad to see everyone had a good time still.

Lots of laughs with some good friends. Thanks Scott. I am already looking forward to next years event.