Got a Plague Plan?

Jul 31, 2002
Let's hope this turns out to be no big deal, but there is an atypical pneumonia spreading with jaw-dropping ease. The World Health Organization and our CDC are going nuts trying to figure out what's going on.

The reports over the last few days got me to thinking about the flu of 1918-19, when 20 million were killed, and what one might be able to do about it.

Just food for thought. Lets hope this just turns out to be some quirky bacteria that can be easily prevented and cured.

Actually plastic and duct tape could solve this. Most diseases not spread by either the infrastructure (water or communal pump) or very mobile vectors (rats, fleas, mosquitoes, maybe ticks) or diseases simply endemic to the environment (yellow fever, malaria) can easily be stopped by a brief cessation of human interraction. In other words, if EVERYBODY holed up for a week or 2 this thing would probably be gone. Of course so would a large part of our economy. Very few small businesses could close down for 2 only weeks and re-open.
A neighbour down the street had just retuned from Hong Kong and died last weekend. The rest of the neighbourhood didn't seem to make too much effort to pay respects to the family because many were fearful of the fact that the family had visited SE Asia recently.

It turns out that the gentleman died not of (what the media is now calling) SARS but simply because he apparently slipped and hit his head on the front step while shovelling snow.

While it true that I live in an area where there has been a couple of cases (the two that died of this disease are less the 15 miles from me in Toronto)this family should've been given the benefit of the doubt.

I don't mean in anyway to diminish the fact that we shouldn't let our guard down here, I just needed to vent about my paranoid neighbours...