Got my kershaw leek today

Dec 27, 2005
Hey everyone got my kershaw leek it's awesome, it opens like a flash almost like a switchblade. the blade steel is 440A stainless HC but it seems to be good for general use but don't think wouldn be good for hard use,although it seems to be made of high quality. :thumbup: :)
Do anyone have one that would like to share experiences or your own comments on the knife????
Nothing major to say 'cept to say I hope you enjoy your Leek. I've had one for a long while now and, while it's not my edc (I have too many knives for a single edc) it's one that I enjoy using and carrying. It's a nice knife. Cheers!:)
I wrote a review on the Leek on the Review forum. I like it a lot. A very elegant design. It fits well in the pocket since it is so slim.

It feels a bit delicate, but not fragile.
they are some great little knives, and I own six or so of them including the rainbow. I don't really care for the lock up on them, but I seem to manage to break off the last little 1/8" of the blade on everyone of them. so the lock becomes less of a trouble when it doesn't engage anyway :cool:

By the way, did I mention that for some reason the last little bit of the tip seems to break off of mine, be careful with them, the tip is so thin that you really can't use it for anything other than cutting.
"the tip is so thin that you really can't use it for anything other than cutting."

That's great! What else would you use it for???

I have a stainless Leek and it's a good pocket knife. Comes really sharp from the factory.

Completely satisified with mine. Just recently replaced it with a RAT 1 Folder.
I used a Rainbow Leek as an EDC for a while. The assisted opening entertained me quite a bit, until I got tired of sharpening the 440A every day, and I learned that autos and balisongs are legal in Arizona.

The Leek is a good knife for light use or dress carry (even though I'll never use it, I still want one of those black/gold ones), but for a hard worker, I'd reccomend something with more durable steel and less slippery handles.