got new AK Bowie

May 17, 2002
got a new AK Bowie. It's a real beast. Wonder if somebody can enlighten me as to what these various symbols are.




Gary, what you've got there is about 1 1/2lbs of Bura perfection:)
The symbols in the first picture are the intials of Bura, the royal kami of nepal, as well as his mark of the begging bowl. The little sun symbol tags this as an HI product.
The U.B. on the side stands for "Uncle Bill" Himalayan Imports founder. Upon his passing last year it was put into effect that all khuks coming out of the shops would be marked in this way to honor him.
The last set near the spine stand for "H.I." Himalayan Imports, obviously.

The AK bowie is a great knife. I have 30 or so HI products, but the AK bowie is my hands down favorite:)

Gary007 said:
got a new AK Bowie. It's a real beast. Wonder if somebody can enlighten me as to what these various symbols are.

nice pictures. reflective blade. you have a skull tshirt? :)

i've noticed in several pictures, some of the YBB pictures even, reflections of the camera or such. them blades is shiny :)

sometimes on ebay, people take pictures of things, and you can clearly see images in the reflections. sometimes... not what you'd expect :)

Going good so far.

Went down to the beach where a bunch of driftwood washed up. Grabbed a few thick pieces of wood, thought I would attempt making a walking cane-stick.

Great chopping abilities, although Ive never owned a bowie before, so no way for me compare. The AK Bowie bit into the wood just fine with minimal effort. Had to be careful not to hack too much wood off.





lefthandblack said:
Great pics. You just made me want one of those even more.

Let us know how it performs.
no, don't own a skull tshirt, but I did look at the pic (with the UB initials) and did see a whitish skull image? Weird!


Bladite said:
nice pictures. reflective blade. you have a skull tshirt? :)

OK that's it. I've gotta get me one of thos now. Thanks for spreading the rash. It'll have to go after I get over the Chit Flu. Careful that chit is spreading. ;)
Man, you gotta stop posting pics of that blade. I want one right now!

Thanks for the report, looks like it worked great!
Ahh, Capitola. Many fond memories. Great wharf. Glad you like the bowie.
roughneck427 said:
Where do I get me one of those???:thumbup:

Ask and ye shall receive:D
buy da bowie linky

I'd e-mail Yangdu and see what she has in stock. Typically, the AKB comes in a 1.5lbs and about 15" with a spine width of 3/8". In other words, nuke proof.
