Great deals on BM, Spydie, MOD, SRKW, Dozier...

Here are all of them (including those already spoken for):


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"Like new SRKW Camp Tramp w/ sheath: Never carried or used. $115.00 SOLD
Bog Dog: Carried, lightly used. $85.00 incl left-handed leather sheath SOLD"

Wow! Nice, nice snag ichthyc!

free bump...
Do you have a pic of the CS Scimitar? Does it have the black blade?

(It's for my computer guy, so do haggle me about it. :D )
Here's the Scimitar. (It is not the black-bladed version.) Aside from one scuff on the clip, you'd think it was brand new.


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got my mini grip a few days ago, in excellent shape and well lubed.
thanks a bunch
btw what kind of lube did you use on it? thing opens increadibly quick
That's Militec-1 and a hairdryer to heat the knife. Glad you're happy with it -- if I hadn't splurged on the sm Ritter Grip, I'd still have that one.