Great Ghillie Suit!! Mike Turber sent me a birthday present!!

Oct 7, 1998
It is absolutely true. Yesterday, on my front porch appeared a Kit Carson Talonite (r) U2 dive knife! This is the same one I sent Mike many moons ago for testing. I was delighted to get it back!!

Mike said he did 'only some light cutting' with it, but it seems somehow changed from the way I remember it. The linen micarta handles don't seem to be quite as smooth or as striking looking as they were. Further, it seems (unlikely though this must sound) that there is some sort of deposit (dare I say corrosion?) on the impervious Talonite (r) blade.

Oh, well, it is probably just my imagination or my failing memory; I certainly will not let it affect the joy that I feel on this, my birthday. I am truly grateful for Mike for sending it back.

It is unfortunate, however, that he forgot to send me a couple of XXL Bladeforums t-shirts that I have asked for. The only one I have I use for a backdrop in taking knife pics, and it is somewhat stained with Tuf-Glide and other lubricants.

I would also have liked to see a review of the U2; it is for that reason that I sent Mike the knife. Perhaps he will find time in the near future to jot down his impressions of this wonderful knife.

It would also be nice for Mike to post a picture of him, Lori, and Jenna in their KNIFEGNUGEN t-shirts that I sent them. I know that he wears his, as he mentioned it on the forums a short while ago. Oh, well, I know he is busy. Perhaps someday.

Well, I just want to give Mike a big 'THANKS' for returning the knife, and will post a picture for all of you to admire.

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A Happy New Year to all of you Forumites!

Happy New Year and Happy Birthday to you, Doctor

Doesn't look to me like Mike actually used the knife, minty fresh and NIB. How long did you say he had it? Since your childhood in what epoc?

James Segura
San Francisco, CA

Happy Birthday Walt

Now, please standby, if Tom or Rob see this they may just need your services.

Happy Birthday Walt! Don't let chang see that! He'll write 'Changonite' on his proprietary blade material and double his prices!!

Hmm.. that handle does look a little rough... You should ask Mike how many times he dropped it!

"Come What May..."
Have a Happy, Walt. I didn't know a knife could grow hair! The Rogain Mike is using must be amazing stuff! Probably forgot to wipe his hands off and it got on the talonite.


I get some pleasure from finding a relentlessly peaceful use for a combative looking knife.
I hate to ask but what about that fine looking Sigman sheath system that was with the U2?

Gonna take me more than a few minutes to refurbish that one.


Happy Birthday
My oh My! That one is going to haunt me for years to come I can tell!
not2sharp, I am getting used to Walt's antics by now! ha ha You know, I think now is the time to show the picture I have of hime shooting my machine gun in my wifes pajama bottoms! ha ha ha Now, where should I post that picture?
Happy Birthday, Walt! Now THIS is the type of knife that I had in mind to give HHBL for Christmas.



There is one rule:
Never postpone your life for a man.
OK Walt, you asked for it buddy! Here is your picture shooting full auto in my wifes pajama's! Rather kinky I would think!
If yoiu look closely, you can see 3 empties in the air, bolt closing on the 4th.

Speaking of Guille suits,Happy Birthday Walt you old coot! I got this picture from an anonomous Hawiian, and he asked me to post it seeing as the thread is about Guille Suits! I think the picture is of you scamming women again........and dont you just love the blue M-16!


[This message has been edited by Rob Simonich (edited 12-28-2000).]
Thank you, one and all, for the kind sentiments. I still hope to hear from Mike Turber about the BF t-shirts, but heck, no birthday is perfect, right?

Totally Judy; I may be able to send you the knife for your HHBL (which I presume stands for Hunka Hunka Burning Love); it depends on whether or not Chang wants to use it for design purposes for the ChangCetan. I will let you know.

Rob; I must admire you; I never thought you would admit that I was in Christine's pants before you two were married!

OK, here is the real story; I was in Montana, figuring it would never get hot enough for jeans; but it did. Rob has about a 20" waist, so any of his clothes were out, but Christine had an old pair of (very) stretchy shorts, which she graciously loaned me, so I could go and shoot Rob's M16. When Rob sent me the Talonite Cetan I had ordered, he packed this gag knife in the box so I would see it first. I thought this was a great joke, and revived it.

Rob has narrowly escaped death, as the Talonite chef's knife for my daughter was not ready for Christmas. However, if my daughter's birthday (Jan 10) passes, Rob may just do the same! So, Christine, chain him to the damn grinder until that knife is ready!

Happy New Year to all of you. Be sure and have fun.

boy are you smart.....that girl wandering into the Soldier of Fortune Convention from a meeting of a bunch of Rocky Horror Picture Show groupies and John Hollister took her picture.......she sure fits in doesnt she. I figured with the ghillie suit reference and all it would be the PERFECT touch for Walts birthday!!!!!!!!!
BTW should get some longer t shirts!!!!!!!!!

Jer 33:3

[This message has been edited by tom mayo (edited 12-28-2000).]
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by tom mayo:
boy are you smart.....that girl wandering into the Soldier of Fortune Convention from a meeting of a bunch of Rocky Horror Picture Show groupies and John Hollister took her picture.</font>

Tom, which one were you attending?


I get some pleasure from finding a relentlessly peaceful use for a combative looking knife.
Happy Birthday Walt,

You don't know me but what the heck, a birthday is a birthday. Have a good one.

I notice you have so many friends, I thought I will be one of yours too. Is that all right with you?

Happy New Year!

Make Love your strongest weapon. Compassion your shield and forgiveness your armour.
Oh yeah, Happy Birthday Walt. I was distracted
by that Rocky Horror chick.
You have to admit she is a damn sight better looking than you in Rob's wife's pants!