Green Beret vs. Mid-tech Raven

Apr 29, 2000
Don't know if this have been discussed before but... These knives are the same size, same steel, same sheath, same price. Looking at them i think I would prefer the Raven, but this is purely superficial. The only advantage I could see is the CR Green Beret has a softer steel which would be better for resharpening in the field due to the ultra tough steel. Can anyone give any advice as how or why one might actually funtion better than the other
oooh. Good question. I've been wondering that myself -- the blade shapes are extremely similar. I've got the Mid-Tech Raven, and I love it, but have no idea about the CR knife. Part of the reason I haven't picked it up is because it seems so much like the Mid-Tech. Someboby prove me wrong though, so I have a reason to buy the CR. :D
I was wondering when this topic would come up. Was thinking about these two knives as well. Ended up with the GB, only because I caught a good deal on one. I'm sure either would have made me content.

Burchtree, I'm in the same boat as you. Still would like to own a Raven, but don't see any difference between that and my GB, except its cosmetic appearance. Might feel differently if I handled one. Just to satisfy my desire, I'm going to p/u a Urban Raven when it's available.
I really can't speak about the GB, but the Raven is one damn good knife! I was lucky enough to watch Rob put one threw some testing after the Blade Show last year. Rob finally broke it, but only after pounding it through a piece of 3/8" steel a few times.
Two things happened those three days. Rob did his testing and I came home with one!
I am not speaking against CRK, Chris does a fine job in every area of his company, but the fact that Rob gets his knives heat treated by Paul Bos has got to make the S30V display its best qualities.
I've seen several posts lately that indicates no one is more proficient at heat treating than Paul Bos. Is it not possible that Chris is as, or more, proficient at heat treating his own few steels as Paul Bos? I know Paul Bos is a premium heat treater, I have a couple of knives that were treated by him and I have nothing but praise for him. ...but my understanding is that Chris Reeve is very proficient at heat treating his own steels also, has done much research to wring the best from them, and considers this one of his core competencies also.

Bruce Woodbury
The fact that the Raven is Paul Bos heat treated to an optimal 60 Rockwell, says it all for me. Not to say that Reeve is not good at heat treating, it's just that Paul Bos is better. Plus, the Raven is a little more hand filling too.
I love the Paul Bos, there great but so is CRK heat treatment and far as using my S30V Sebbie goes, it cut like a dream all day long if need be, i can't see the difference between it and any of the Paul Bos heat treated S30V blades that i have at all.

Its Chocolate and vanilla....they both are great knives. Nobody would be "under knifed" with ANY situation. I have COMPLETE confidence in both Paul Bos and Chris' heat treat....hell, Chris help develop S30v!

I have the proto Raven in S30V, and I want one of Reeve's Green Beret models. Too much is just enough

Originally posted by Will Fennell
Its Chocolate and vanilla....they both are great knives. Nobody would be "under knifed" with ANY situation. I have COMPLETE confidence in both Paul Bos and Chris' heat treat....hell, Chris help develop S30v!

I have the proto Raven in S30V, and I want one of Reeve's Green Beret models. Too much is just enough


That about sums it up!
Here's another question: For the price of the GB I could buy two 82nd Airbornes from Newt Livesay(I own one already). Very similar design. I know Newt uses plain 1095 vs. the new "super steel" but he is considered the 1095 master.
Is the GB worth twice the money??
Originally posted by Will Fennell
I have COMPLETE confidence in both Paul Bos and Chris' heat treat....hell, Chris help develop S30v!

Yea, I'd have to agree with you there. My only question would be how many Ravens does Bos heat treat at once...I'm sure CRK heat treats in large batches...
Originally posted by JayRatt
Here's another question: For the price of the GB I could buy two 82nd Airbornes from Newt Livesay(I own one already). Very similar design. I know Newt uses plain 1095 vs. the new "super steel" but he is considered the 1095 master.
Is the GB worth twice the money??

It depends on what you intend to use it for. That 82nd airborne looks like quite a lot of knife for the price...

I'm supposed to pick up a G.B. at the ECCKS show on Saturday. Somebody bring a Raven, so we can compare. At some point, probably the afternoon, will be at a table outside the show with a couple other forumites. Might be a few blades and a bottle on the table.

Originally posted by LizardKing
Some might not like the standard serrations on the CR GB.

I'm not a big fan of serrated egdes. However, 1" of serrations on a 7" blade does not get in the way of slicing and could actually come in handy, I guess......If I had my preference, I'd go w/o serrations.
Ok...I have handled both and I like both alot but I bought the CRK-GB and I love it! In my opinion the Green Beret is the more practical and classic looking Combat/Survival Knife of the two. Not that there is anything wrong with the Raven...but like the TK review said "Clean looks with out alot of useless bells and whistles."