Grinder Questions


Oct 21, 2002
Thinkin about buying a KMG grinder with the 8 inch wheel. Should I get the 10 inch, I plan on making knives with 5-7 inch blades, sometimes bigger sometimes smaller. Also, where is a good place to get a motor, new or used, new would e good if its a good deal? Does it matter what type of motor is it or can pretty much any small motor (of course not a generator motor or engine but something like a washing machine motoro mabye?) be used without modification or a little modification.

Thanks alot.
First off good taste in grinder,A contact wheel size is a personal choice,some will say 10 some will say 8 or 14.I use an 8 ,I have found that I can grind better on a smaller wheel.I know there are alot here that say a 10 or up.but I have ground on several different size wheels and I like my 8 inch.a bigger wheel in my eyes is harder to learn on.A grind line will raise on you real quick with a bigger wheel.I have found with a bigger wheel that just a little thumb pressure and the line goes up fast.That is why I like a smaller wheel
this is just my insite on this.Hope I have give you something that will help you.:)
On a motor, surplus center is a very good place to get motors from
there are several people on this board who are using tread mill motors,they are pretty cheap.I would not go below a 1hp motor
Hi !
I bought a 8" and 10" contact wheel with my Coote grinder and
practically use only the 10". I like more a large hollow grind on
my blade...

Alain M-D
Hi DgrantD,

I just got my KMG all set up. Sorry I can't help with the 8 vs 10" debate you're having with yourself. FWIW I got the 8".

However, I got a couple of options I liked that you might want to consider. One I had Rob replace one wheel on the platen bracket with a 2" contact wheel, very happy I did that, quite handy. Second I asked for a special change on the platen bracket itself.

Rob calls it the Sando-platen :eek: :eek:

RE Motors, you can look thru mine and rlingers dozen threads on this topic over the last couple of weeks. If you have the $600 don't listen to me and get a real motor. If you're a hobby kinda guy you might want to try the treadmill motor idea.

This sounds kind of cheepo, but I buy motors at auctions and yardsales CHEAP! Last year I picked up a like new AC 1hp. Baldor for $5.00 and other 1/2 hp's for $1 or $2 . If any of you guys need a motor,let me know. No, I'm going to part with the 1hp., but I have one 3 or 31/2 and one I think about 5hp. I will give away. The two big ones are 3 phase but good motors. And they are very heavy. Free! Big motors! You just come get them or something.

What a generous offer...thank you!

I sure could use a 2hp 3ph. 220V 1750 rpm.

You have mail!

We recently got a KMG grinder with an 8 inch wheel at the shop I work out of. It looks like a great machine! Sadly, we haven't had a chance to fire it up because we don't have the motor yet...:(

I don't know why the 8 inch wheel was selected, but it appears to be a very versatile size.
Just got my motor controller setup from It's a TECO F100 controller and an ABB 1 HP 3 phase induction motor. Runs beautiful with upspeed downspeed and one touch reversing. $240 a real deal. 220 single input and the controller does the rest. I'll be spending the weekend setting it up with the KMG1 building a pedestal stand.