Grinding belts online in Canada ?

Apr 12, 2009
can anyone recommend an online supplier in Canada for 2x72 belts. I can't buy them locally ? I have my grinder almost complete and can't find belts. This sucks

Any recommendations for brand and grits I should have ?
Don't know of one in Canada but Tru-Grit and Pop's in the US are hard to beat.

However, I have had experience sending stuff from the US to Canada, the Canadian tariff/customs folks are not very accomodating.....and probably going the other way it might be a "toughy"......

Good Luck, hopefully the next posters will be more help.
There are Canadian suppliers.... if you look - and they'd sure like a chance at your business.

Rob. sells them at competetive Canadian prices. He has a great selection and since he makes as well at times he can give you good advice. Click on his web site there.Frank
You can order 1x42 belts from Lee Valley.

Another vote for Rob. I buy all mine through him.
I've got belt from lee valley. Their selection isn't very good though. They don't carry nortons for one thing. I want a couple blaze belts and try the norax and get a couple scotchbright belts too
Ordering from , Usaknifemaker, supergrit and Jantz for all kinds of belts , knifemaking supplies has never been an issue to Canada . Just ask to use USPS as UPS charges all kinds of fee's on top of the shipping costs. I remember paying $40 on top of the shipping fee's with UPS for a few dirt bike gaskets worth $20 weighing a few ounces . Rob as mentioned is a great supplier with a good selection of belts , steel and other products and saves you the extra duty and taxes and shipping especially with heavy stuff like buying steels .
Thanks I just sent him a message seeing if he'll get 1x42 belts. It's not that stuff is hard to find. Trugrit has most of what I'm looking for. I'd just rather buy in canada