Guncleana Account hacked

Jan 17, 2022
That was my account (Guncleana) I’ve been trying to contact an admin since 12/30 filled out several contact forms and even had another member to to contact someone haven’t received any support so sorry that happened to you if someone could please let an admin know that the Guncleana account belongs to me and have them reach out to me At it would be much appreciated
Moved your post to its own thread here so it doesn’t get lost. I’ll notify the owner so he can look into it. Spark Spark
Reply to your pp email receipt to show you have control over that email and we'll get you sorted
Reply to your pp email receipt to show you have control over that email and we'll get you sorted
I just saw this and sent an email through PayPal to the elsparkodiablo address associated with twelvebravomarketing my last membership payment was made March 4th of last year
Reply to your pp email receipt to show you have control over that email and we'll get you sorted
If you need additional proof please email me at my Guncleana account was hacked in December I would really appreciate it if you could restore it I’ve been a paying member since 2012 and have over 100 transactions and years of positive feedback it hasn’t been easy at all contacting you and getting help
Moved your post to its own thread here so it doesn’t get lost. I’ll notify the owner so he can look into it. Spark Spark
Can someone please contact me through email? I haven’t had my account since December please contact me through email so we can fix this it is unbelievably hard communicating with you guys through this thread my situation still hasn’t been resolved