GUNTING: a succesful birth

Mar 9, 1999
Ok..I'm very tired but the GUNTING had a successful birth..It was inducted..( yes IT WAS) as the Most Innovative Martial Arts Knife of the Milennium at the Martial Arts Hall of Fame....
Beach Blade was great..everyone loved the GUNTING and its possible usages...
hmm we sold ALL of the little guys..complete sets no less..People upon seeing it in person are understanding that the trainer DRONE is as important or more important that the real knife: else can one play with it?
Everyone went home happy with EDGES2 aluminum open-one closed...
Thanks to SPYDERCO for making the GUNTING a reality!!!!!!
OK, the GUNTING, DRONE and I are off to France, Germany and then home for SOF!!!!
actually I have a CRMIPT as well..heheheh...
also got to view a copy of the GUNTING VIDEO that (I believe) will come with the Spyderco version!! Bram is NOT blowing smoke about this knife! It is a TOTAL package that is unbelievable! A tool with a CHOICE of usage
and degree of force! TOTALLY AWESOME!! I also viewed Bram's three volume set of tapes on the Gunting! I'm gonna DREAM about this one until I can finally get one in my hands!
I was at first a bit skeptical of the GUNTING design. Kind of "ho hum, another 'super' defense knife".
After seeing the videos and the fantastic range of this tool, Being able to utilize from a less than deadly force and use discretion from there is something I am EXCITED to see!!!
WAY TO GO Bram & Spyderco!!!
John Row

I've had more paper cuts than cuts from knives, but the knives are QUICKLY gaining!
thanks John;..hey ALL OF YOU SPYDIE FANS OUT THERE...please remember that when getting the GUNTING you MUST get a trainer do not want to play with the real knife; GUNTING...too many ways to get hurt..
The DRONE gets many more hours of play time and its constantly being in one's hands...
Watch for the upcoming CRMIPT tool version..
Everyone at Beach Blade and the Hall of Fame except for a few bought sets..Those that ONLY bought a GUNTING originally within minutes of seeing us use DRONES came back and bought them...
Buy them as a set to start with.. is paramount and the GUNTING begs to be used and played with so use its twin the DRONE..
Can't wait for it's release to the average Joe. Any day now?

Win if can, lose if you must but, always cheat.
Whohoo!! europe at last!!

Please, tell me where are you headed and where you are going to have a seminar!!
I'm still waiting, Where's mine???

Mark, Isiah 40:31 They that wait on the LORD shall mount up with wings as eagles...
As promissed I will post the first pics of the REAL thing in a few days. I just got off the phone with Bram and look for some really cool pics VERY soon!

Best Regards,
Mike Turber
BladeForums Site Owner and Administrator
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Beach Blade was indeed a success. Everyone there was happily playing with their brand spanking new GUNTINGs.

The drones are definitely a must. I haven't stopped playing with mine since I came home from Beach Blade. If you are serious about slicing and dicing then you definitely will benefit from practice with the GUNTING and the drone, it has the same weight and feel and the real thing. Everytime I pick up my red GUNTING DRONE I get a strange glow in my eyes and all my students start running because they know I am looking for a victim to practice the cool things I've been working with the GUNTING. The coolest thing about the GUNTING that makes it so unique is that you don't even have to open it. There are so many devistating strikes and locks that you can do with this amazing tool in a closed position. I am able to take down guys twice my size in the dojo with very little effort on my part, and the darned thing is still closed. If I want to escalate to a blade, the kinetic opening makes it a cinch. No Problemo.

The GUNTING is so functional. It is very obvious that the designer of this tool is a knife man. Someone who likes to slice and dice and thought very carefully about what the perfectly designed blade would be like......and Bram did it. The best description I can think of to describe it is "ergonomically correct" It fits you hand. It is so easy to switch from forward to reverse grip without loosing fluidity of motion. All I can say is WOW.


I will be in Trier Germany to do a magazine interview about the GUNTING then off to Paris France to do another magazine interview about me and the GUNTING and to attend the Paris knife show..all in the last week of September.. I believe that in October, Thomas ( from Germany)is teaching two GUNTING seminars in Scotland and London..
I am working on a seminar tour of Europe..If you 'd like to be the host of an Italian seminar let me know..In June we do the COMMANDMENTS of STEEL in Israel and we were going to Rome afterwards..Maybe I should come do a seminar on the way home from the COMMANDMENTS of STEEL....

Suggested retail in the US is $160 for each of the three versions (Live, Trainer & CRIMPT)

There are so few available at the moment that I wouldn't expect to see them discounted any time soon. I have 20 sets on back order and just over half are spoken for. I expect to have stock in 2 to 4 weeks.

Terry Prichard

Originally posted by samo:
Guys, what's the damage like? I mean, to the wallet...


Plus Terry is one of the few who actually know how to use it!!!The GUNTING that is.. LOL..
Hey Fourcycle..Maybe you want to host a GUNTING seminar when your shipment comes in...????????
thanks ....nice photos!!!!
where can i find pics of the gunting?

"open it up and stick it in..."
Alex..go right to "I got my Gunting//Lots of Pics" posted by Mike Turber the BF administrator...lots of GREAT pictures of the GUNTING & the DRONE....
ask and you get it....