Gunting Trainers in Plexaglas

Mar 17, 1999
Can you direct me to the thread with the specs and a picture of the Gunting without the blade extended?I would like to make a plexaglas Trainer to "Play" with when the film set arrives.Or, are the trainers available this week?
The SPYDERCO trainer drones..functional trainers that is..will ship I believe around Sept 1..I'm waiting on the Edges2 prototype of the trainers so I can Ok it or make some changes and they will be available very soon..
The thread with pictures is in the CSSD/SC section of Tactics & Training..I believe its "Gunting Pics"...Ok I don't know how to get a hyperlink..sorry

[This message has been edited by BRAM (edited 05-31-2000).]