Hammer In?

Oct 27, 2005
Do we ever have any hammer in's in the Portland, Oregon area? I think it would be neat to start one in our area. I'd also like to volunteer my backyard for the first one. I live in Vancouver, WA. We could have an informal one with a barbeque meal or two during the course of the day or days. Of course, we'd want to wait until the weather is a little bit better if it is held at my place, as I do not have an indoor area to hold it. I could put up some kind of rented tent though, I guess.

Is anyone interested in this?
There is one in Bothell WA twice a year and a few informal ones around WA state. It's mostly a solitary craft around here but I would like get to know more local makers myself.

My shop is not very big but it is always open to anyone, forgers, stock removers, collectors etc. I have made alot of tools and other gadgets for knifemakers all around the country but I would rather have them in the shop with me to show them. That is how a craft grows and friends are made.
How far is it from Terre Haute? :D If you were close I would be there. If fitzo had a Hammer In in his back yard I would probably go...Chicagoland area is very a doable 4+ hours drive.

I think 2k miles might be a bit obsessive:D

Anyway...keep trying, you may end up getting more folks interested in your own area.
Do we ever have any hammer in's in the Portland, Oregon area? I think it would be neat to start one in our area. I'd also like to volunteer my backyard for the first one. I live in Vancouver, WA. We could have an informal one with a barbeque meal or two during the course of the day or days. Of course, we'd want to wait until the weather is a little bit better if it is held at my place, as I do not have an indoor area to hold it. I could put up some kind of rented tent though, I guess.

Is anyone interested in this?

Consider me 'in' Icky.
Great. You're in, as is anyone else that would like to join in the fun.

Ray's (Coon and Richard), would the two of you like to come?
Pretty much depends on when it is. After Blade Show would work out ok for me. I've got nothing going on after that. Early fall would be a good time to have one since its not to hot and the rain is still sleeping. Guess I do have Blade West the middle of Septmeber.
Let me know when it is. I have never ever pounded steel, but want to learn. Steven
That is why I haven't suggested a date yet. I wanted to see how many people and who would be interested, then we'll choose a date that fits as many of us as possible. We should be able to find a date that fits us all. So far we have 4 people, which is a good start.