Hammond Cruiser - getting the star treatment

Jun 6, 2002
This is a Jim Hammond military grade Cruiser.


What makes this one interesting is that it is THE knife that is on the cover of the upcoming issue of Tactical Knives magazine. (don't know why they didn't use one of my pics, though) ;)

It is currently in Jim Hammond's hands, being escorted to the upcoming SHOT show, whereupon it will return to me.

What happened was I had sent the knife in to Mr. Hammond for customizing certain aspects when he had gotten a call to submit to TK both a collector grade and military grade Cruiser. He didn't happen to have another to send and sought my permission to use mine for the shoot.

Well, now it will not be customized, as that would change too many things on it, diminishing it's collector status. And to think that this was going to be my main carry blade!! :rolleyes:


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I can certainly see why this on is featured on a cover. What an eye for shape and symmetry! Even the clip is taseful. This one rings all my bells. :eek:

Thanks for the post. Good for YOU!!!
Originally posted by Blade747
I Even the clip is taseful.

Too bad it's on the wrong end ;)

Boink, don't be shy...post the cover shot...ah, let me do it for you :)


Originally posted by RL
Too bad it's on the wrong end ;)


I know. originally I wanted to make this knife a lefty and to put the filed grooves also on the other side of the knife. :rolleyes:
Originally posted by Boink
I know. originally I wanted to make this knife a lefty and to put the filed grooves also on the other side of the knife. :rolleyes:

I meant that it's configured for tip-up carry...should be tip-down ;)

LOVING it Boink. I just got an email back from Jim saying it will be March before he gets back on the Cruisers. So it is looking like a couple more months before mine is ready. In the meantime I'll just looka at yours!!

Btw, has the new copy of Tactical Knives hit the newstands yet?

Btw II, here is another pic of the Cruiser
I love the looks of this knife. The handle shape, blade bevels and shape make this one very attractive package.

The issue's been spotty on getting on the newsstands. Heard from a bunch of folks before I ever found the first one. It is (or I should say, "Was"!) on the stand here in town, but it's not in the bookstores in Huntsville last time I checked. In talking to Pat Covert yesterday, he still hasn't received his copy yet and he wrote the article!

Boink emailed me this morning saying he hasn't received one yet either so I'm sending one on to him this morning.

RL, had to put the clip at the butt due to the flipper. The way it is now, the flippers turned toward the inside (open side) of the pocket and the sloping back clears itself best. Turned the handle around the other other way (as I've always done in the past), you might have some ventilated jeans pretty quick unless you're really careful. But that can be a plus in the summertime. ;)

Got my copy of TK a few days ago. The article is, appropriately, highly complimentary of both Mr. Hammond and this new Cruiser.

The lines just flow together. The grind lines are as neat as any I've seen. Congratulations to Mr. Hammond for a truly winning design.

And Boink, you are lucky to be the owner of this one!

Thanks for sharing,
Thanks Jim...I guess it depends on the shape of the knife..I have 2 flippers, one is tip-down and the other is tip-up (and I bought it anyway :) ).

Boink, I just got the TK mag today...congrats to both you and Jim! Can you post some pics of the Cruiser next to some other knives (for a size comparo) along with a pic of the liners??

Thanks for the update Jim. I've got a couple of places I can pick up a copy. Btw Jim you just might want to make a few extra's when you start on the Cruisers...............I've got a feeling you'll be getting some request!! :eek: :D :cool: :)
Originally posted by Jim Hammond

Boink emailed me this morning saying he hasn't received one yet either so I'm sending one on to him this morning.

Turned the handle around the other other way (as I've always done in the past), you might have some ventilated jeans pretty quick unless you're really careful. But that can be a plus in the summertime. ;)


Thanks for the magazine, Jim. I owe you some money on that, it was very nice of you.

Right now, it's too cold for ventilated jeans, so I'll hold off on turning it around for now ;)

Still don't know why TK didn't use one of my photos, though! ;) I guess when I get 20 years experience shooting knife pictures .....
Originally posted by Jim Hammond
The issue's been spotty on getting on the newsstands.

I just took a (very) quick look at the issue by the newsstand.

So I must ask: did I get it right that there's going to be CRKT Cruiser in the market in the future?

If yes, then anybody got knowledge when?

This may be stupid question - once again - but no can do... :rolleyes:

Thanks in advance!
Very attractive knife. Nice pictures too....thanks!

"Hunters seek what they [WANT].., Seekers hunt what they [NEED]"

The CRKT Cruiser is scheduled to be introduced at the 2004 SHOT Show in Vegas. That's the word I got at the SHOT Show last week.

Being a fixed blade kinda guy, the first thing I thought of when I saw the cover of the magazine, was "damn, wouldnt that make a great utility do-all kind of fixed blade?"

How about it Jim? Gonna make some fixed blades like that?

You're right on target. I already have a new fixed blade designed along the lines of the Cruiser. Considering doing it in two versions--one more along the lines of my normal tacticals with the sculpted scales with hand-filed serrations, tapered tang, etc., and another a bit more basic with a few less time-consuming bells and whistles but having the same general styling. The scales will follow the existing lines of the folder handle and will come in under the serrations revealing them like they appear on the folder when it's open.

Way back when, I did do 10 fixed blade Cruiser fighters for the Vanguard series before the folder was introduced. Bob Kasper checked out the prototpye at the Blade Show one time as we were standing there with Steven Dick from Tactical Knives, and after playing with it for 10 minutes he said he wouldn't change a thing about the design. So it's definitely right on track with all its features.

I'm leaning toward a bit more belly sweep on the blade but it's still in the development stage right now. All options are open at this point regarding it.

I'm thinking about a 5" blade of something like BG42, with micarta, G10 or carbon fiber handles. Same style as the folder, with a checkered thumbramp where the folder flipper is.